Part 3: SNT Boom 1 + Confession Kiss

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Tangle and Whisper are helped up by Whispers Wisp friends before Tangle, happily, looks outside to see the sun setting, smiling as she does so.
Tangle: Aw, man~! That was so much fun that it's almost Nighttime Already~!
Tangle grabs Whispers hand, gently, before beginning to take Whisper and her Wisp friends to her room.
Tangle (Happy and Excited) Come on; I have everything ready in my room~!
Whisper: 'K~...!
Whisper smiles as her and her Wisp friends follow Tangle to her room, which has blankets, pillows, and a TV set up with the movie.
Whisper (Semi-Confused) 'S that-...? (Excited) Is that SNT BOOM TRILOGY?!
Tangle lets out a happy laugh.
Tangle: Yup~! I figured you'd wanna see it, since you couldn't find it in stock anywhere else~!
Whisper hugs Tangle tightly, causing her to blush.
Whisper: Thank you so much Tangle~!

Tangle hugs Whisper back happily.
Tangle: You're welcome, Whisper~! Now let's watch this thing~!
Whisper quickly changes into her pajamas as Tangle does the same thing, and sits down, pulling a blanket over herself and Tangle and smile after Tangle puts in the Movie and hit's play. The Whisps sitting on the bed as Tangle pulls out the earpiece so she can hear the movie better.


The Scene transitions to a black scene as it fades to a panning scene of some test tubes, ending on one with a two-tailed fox, hedgehog, and echidna hybrid mobian inside. We then hear the Iconic Laugh of Doctor Eggman as walks onto the scene and looks at the Test tube, overconfident as ever.
Doctor Eggman: After all these years, I will FINALLY DESTROY that blue pest and his meddlesome friends, ONCE, AND FOR ALL~!!!
The Scene cuts to one of Orbot and Cubot looking at Eggman before it pans back to a shot of the test tube with the Mobian inside.
Doctor Eggman: (Confident and Cocky) It's only a mere matter of time~!
Eggman turns to look at Cubot, cockily.
Eggman: Well, of course it was~!
Eggman begins walking away, laughing once again as Orbot and Cubot follow close behind him. Right as Eggman the door closes the scene pans back to the Mobian Hybrid in the test tube. The Scene cuts closer to their face as the Mobian's eyes as they open, revealing the Iconic, Amazonite-Emerald Green eyes of Sonic as they look around, seeing a screen nearby that shows Eggman killing other people in a very cheap animation style. The Hybrid, Project SNT, not wanting to stick around any longer, suddenly curls into a ball and begins to spin rapidly before breaking out of the Test tube and running to a nearby window as the alarms begin to sound. The Hybrid then leaps through the window and grabs onto a Zip line before riding it down before landing on the ground below and running away as fast as she seemingly can. The scene cuts as we hear an alarm sounding and see a flash of blue with the Logo of "Sonic Team" on it before we also see the Sega logo and then the Intro to Sonic Boom as it plays. Afterward the camera returns as we see the title of the movie appear on the scene.


The Scene cuts to a shot of the sky before it pans down into the Jungle. A scene of Sonic the Hedgehog and his friends: Amy Rose the Hedgehog, Tails the Fox, Knuckles the Red Echidna, and Sticks the Brown Badger can be seen as they begin to look around for either something, or some-ONE. Knuckles would effortlessly lift a humungous boulder, revealing a Cave system behind it, sighing as he puts the Boulder off to the side, seeming confused.
Knuckles the Echidna: So, can someone remind me, AGAIN, as to WHAT we're looking for exactly?
Amy sighs as she turns to look at Knuckles, somewhat angrily.
Amy Rose:  Knuckles, we've told you a THOUSAND times, we're looking for signs of doctor Eggman's new lab.
Everyone except for Knuckles would sigh, Knuckles looking around tiredly.
Knuckles: Well, we've been looking for hours now and there's absolutely no signs of Eggman any-...
The sound of approaching footsteps suddenly starts coming from the Cave that Knuckles had just found can be heard by the group as Knuckles, and the rest of his friends, turn to look at the Cave, shocked and confused.
Knuckles: -where...?!
Sonic and his friends see a Hybrid, the same one from the opening scene that we all saw, running out into the open, only to stop and look at the group before beginning to bolt in the opposite direction at surprisingly fast speeds, Knuckles looking shocked before his face turns calm, yet still shocked.
Knuckles: Never mind...
Everyone begins chasing after the Hybrid Girl as she runs through the forest, swinging on Vines and Leaping on the Canopies of some smaller trees as she desperately tries to escape from Sonic and his friends, whom she doesn't even know yet.

Tangle and Whisper; Whispangle: The Slumber Party Confession.Where stories live. Discover now