∂ Chapter 06 ∂

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AI powered on to the stench of blood and the sound of sobbing. Blood... Why is there blood in the security office...? Shit, Bryan! Opening his eyes and looking around the room, his heart plummeted. He knew that, if he were human, he would have paled and possibly thrown up in his mouth at the sight of Bryan unconscious with a hole in his side as well as Baby sobbing. "Baby? Baby, what happened?"

"I... I think my scooper got him..." She cried, refusing to leave the unconscious man's side. "He... He moved and it- it got him. I'm sorry Bryan!" AI was quick to put pressure on the wound, tasking Baby with taking over as he rushed to get a first aid kit.

"AI? Has Bryan left yet, it's 6.10." Molten asked before noticing the blood on the rabbit's paws. "What happened?"

"Baby's scooper." He explained, a tremor in his voice. "She's in there with him now, and I think she woke up out of it when it happened. Where's the first aid kit!?" Brandishing it from inside his pile of wires, Molten was quick to hand it to the rabbit who threw a quick thank you his way before running back to the office. It's getting worse, and we still have three nights to go...

"Bryan... please, wake up!" Baby cried, hands pushing down on the man's side who remain unconscious and limp. "Please... I'm sorry!" Crouching beside the man, AI quickly cleaned the wound and stitched it, dressing it properly and bandaging it. "When will he wake up?"

"I... I don't know." AI admitted, breathing out deeply as he picked the man up carefully, leading Baby out of the room as she continued to mumble apologies. Molten met them halfway, eyes panicked. "Molten? Are they awake?" Molten nodded. "Shit. This isn't good..."

"This is my fault..."

"Baby, this isn't your fault," Molten said, kneeling to talk to the small animatronic properly. "There's this... thing that affects animatronics at night. For some reason, it's countered by powering off before midnight and then powering back on afterwards. But it makes us attack te night guards."

"But we don't?"

"That's what we're trying to figure out," AI explained as they continued to walk, keeping an eye out for any of the other animatronics. "For some reason, Bryan's affecting that... virus, I guess you could call it. I'm not sure what Bryan does differently to the other night guards other than he's the owner. It's something we want to figure out before night 7."

"The hardest night," Baby realised, gulping at the implications.

"Oh my goodness, is Bryan okay!?" Ballora's voice echoed down the hall, the trio freezing. "What happened to him last night!?"

"Just a little mishap," Molten shrugged. "He should be fine in a couple hours, but could you distract the others? We need to get him out of here without too many questions. Thank you Ballora." Nodding, Ballora was quick to head to the Starlight stage where everyone was hanging out. "Baby, you best go with AI since you've got some blood on you. You'll be able to comfort Bryan as well when he wakes up."

"Of course!" Baby agreed. "I don't think he should od the night shift tonight... can't an animatronic do it for tonight? I mean, the footage is getting deleted so no one's going to find out."

"Good idea," AI said as they got to the car, setting Bryan in the back, and laying him down carefully, Baby hopping in next to him, hugging his arm. Soon they arrived at the home of their owner and quickly got him into his room, changing the bandages on his arm, shoulder, and side. "Now, we just need to let him rest. I think Molten's going to do the night shift tonight to let Bryan rest."

"I feel so guilty," Baby sighed, having curled up beside the brunette under his blanket, the man unconsciously wrapping an arm around her. "Has... has anyone else hurt him?" AI hesitated, glancing at the floor before looking back at the girl. "So they have..."

"Yes," AI nodded, leaning backwards against the wall as he sat. "On the first night it was Nedd Bear who scratched his arm. The second night nothing happened other than you screaming when he shone the flashlight at you, scaring the crap out of him. The third night – last night – went... bad."

"How bad?"

"Well, see that bandage on his shoulder?" Baby nodded. "Happy Frog took a bite out of him. Then Helpy scratched his back. And then... you." Baby flinched at the reminder, snuggling further into the soft mattress of Bryan's bed. "Try to get some rest, alright? We're not going in tonight so we'll be good to sleep properly." Baby agreed, allowing herself to power off in the comfort of Bryan and AI's company as the rabbit did the same.

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