Chapter 8: The Beautiful Dr.Nolan

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- 3 Weeks Old -

I bit my lip and glanced over my shoulder. In the tiny reflecting mirrors I could see that both of the twins were awake. Krystal was staring out the window and Braxton was making an ugly face that probably meant he was taking a poo.

I turned back around and looked at Justin, "I'm nervous,"

He sighed and reached over to hold my hand, "Don't be. It's a routine checkup."

We had been parked and waiting for a few minutes. Apparently Meghan's brother was a busy guy. Hopefully that meant he was good. But then Meghan's blonde head poked out the office doors and waved at us to come in.

Justin gave my hand a light squeeze and bent across the centre console to give me a light kiss, "They are just getting checked. Not getting shots."

I nodded, he was right. I was completely over reacting, but it was scary. Two babies was a lot. What if they said one of them wasn't eating enough and was underweight? What if the diaper rash they had developed isn't a rash, but an infection?

But I didn't have any time to think about it because by the time I had snapped myself out of my thoughts, Justin was already out of his seat and pulling the car seats out of the car. I pushed my door open and swivelled out, planting my feet firmly on the ground and closing the door. I took one car seat from Justin and took his empty hand with mine. He led us through the doors.

Meghan was standing at the front desk waiting and smiled at us as we walked in, "How are you guys?"

I shrugged and let Justin's hand slip out of mine. Krystal was heavy, so I set her down on the floor. Justin mumbled a response but I was too distracted to catch what he said.

"Serrina, I'd like to take a look at your incision before we get into the check up, okay?" I nodded and followed Meghan into a back room. Justin followed us, carrying both car seats and placing them on the two chairs.

I didn't hesitate to lift my shirt and roll my maternity pants down. Justin had seen me shower in the last few weeks so it didn't make me as nervous as it should.

My stomach was flabby; Considering I had carried 2 babies to almost full term, it was actually in much better shape than I had expected it to be. The incision was puckered at the edge and the skin around it was starting to get itchy. Meghan barely looked at it before nodding and patting my hip, signalling that she had seen what she wanted.

I pulled my pants back up and rolled down my shirt, walking back over to Justin and slipping my hand back into his, using my other so push a pacifier in Braxtons mouth. Meghan scribbled down a few notes into her folder then looked up and smiled, "You're healing really well. No signs of infection and the scabs should start to fall off soon. Tat being said," She took a deep breath, "Your abdominal wall was still cut open and isn't healed. Just because it looks like it, still no heavy lifting or excessive exercise."

I nodded and she glanced at her papers, "Im going to start for my brother today with some weights and measurements, okay?"

I sheepishly nodded and looked at Justin as he picked Krystal up and placed her on the small table. Meghan went right to work and scribbled down her weight. she was down a little but that wasn't unusual for the first appointment. Braxton was the same weight as when he was born. Krystal had grown almost 2 inches in length and Braxton only 1.

"Still breastfeeding?" I nodded and Meghan smiled, "Good." She slapped her folder closed and handed Braxton to me, "So the other my brother's name is Nolan. He should be here any minute. Would you like me to hang out for the first visit? Some of the parents that we share are finding that its a god transition."

"Yes please," I nodded. Then a small knock echoed past the door and it swung open to reveal a beautiful blond man. His hair was long but tied back in a bun and he had a full face beard. Through his white lab coat and black tee shirt, I could tell he was incredibly toned and muscular. he was almost more attractive than TV doctors... Like Jackson from Grey's Anatomy. He was hotter than Jackson.

"Hey baby sis," He smiled and then turned to us and his smile disappeared. I was waiting for the, Oh God, it's Justin Bieeberrr, look, but it never came. instead he raised his eyebrows, "Twins, eh?"

Either he had no idea who we were, which was unlikely because nobody could miss our faces plastered on every magazine, or he really just didn't care.

"Not talkers?" He mumbled and I snapped myself out of it.

"No," Then I shook my head, "I mean, yes. They're twins."

He smiled, "I can tell." I felt my face flush a little and glanced over at Justin who was watching Dr. Beautiful with a frown. I wasn't the only one who had noticed his sexiness.

Meghan was smiling at our reactions, obviously amused that us, both very publicly called beautiful humans, were so speechless over her brother. I began to wonder if she enjoyed seeing people meet him for the first time.

"You're quite young to be parents," He stated and suddenly we were all snapped out of it. Meghan elbowed him in the ribs and he shot her a glare. Justins grip on my hand tightened and I gave it a gentle squeeze, letting him know that he was hurting me. He loosened it and took a deep breath.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I snapped. Justin grip tightened again and I noticed that I had leaned forward, like I was going to pounce.

I could tell Nolan was suddenly scared of me as he chewed hard on his lip, "I didn't mean that in a bad way, just a statement."

"An unnecessary one," Justin snapped too. Good thing he was more relaxed, because I was hot headed and lost my shit over everything.

"I apologize. It was a bad comment and I shouldn't have said it." I nodded and sighed, waiting for him to continue, "Now, lets take a look at your babies, huh?"

I nodded and watched as he scooped Braxton out of my arms. The way he led at my son and made him smile, his first smile, made my heart hurt. As insensitive as he was to my age, he was good with kids, and that's all that really mattered.

So we'll stick with him, because he was good with kids and I really liked his sister.

Note: Side photo is Dr. Nolan.

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