Chapter 10: Please Leave

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- 5 Weeks Old -

Justin stepped around our bedroom door and closed it quietly behind him. The twins were officially in their own rooms now and we had our bedroom to ourselves. I mostly wanted them out so I could sleep in a little, not to mention be able to kiss Justin or even fool around eventually and not have to worry about waking them up.

I pulled our blanket up to my neck and slid down into the bed. Justin laughed at me and dropped his sweatpants before walking over to me and climbing into the bed.

"They're down?" I asked him and slid my phone onto my side table.

He nodded and let out a long sigh, "I swear they take turns crying to torture me."

I shrugged, "You told me you didn't want help."

He nodded and bent over to kiss my shoulder, "If you can do it alone so can I."

I grinned and bent over to give him a kiss. Both of my hands were framing his face when I pulled away and chewed at my dry lips, "I love you."

He let out a small chuckle, "Ditto," then leaned back in and pressed his lips back to mine.

What started off as a gentle kiss had quickly turned into something much more powerful and meaningful. He managed to turn it into a make out session by jamming his tongue into my mouth. I didn't hesitate to press my hands against his chest.

As hard as I pushed against him, he wouldn't budge. He just let out a little moan like I was doing something he liked.

When he finally came up for breath I gave him a hard shove, "Stop!" I gasped. He either didn't hear me or just didn't care. One way or another he moved back in to kiss me again.

I was panting so hard I felt like my chest would explode and my hands were shaking so badly that I probably couldn't hold a glass of water.

This time, I managed to turn my head just enough to take in a deep breath, "Justin, stop it!" I was practically shouting. My next try would have been for just help but he listened to me, finally. Pulling back and trying to press our foreheads together like it was something I had enjoyed and something I wanted to soak in.

It wasn't.

I took his moment of relaxation to give him a hard shove, throwing him from our bed. He landed with a loud bang on the floor then almost glared up at me.

"What the hell?" He snapped.

I let out a dry, rough laugh, "My thoughts exactly."

He shook his head and bit at his cheek, "What are you talking about?"

I stared at him in awe. He really thought I had enjoyed that? I pressed my palms together, "You just forced yourself on me," I didn't turn my head from him but I let my eyes drift closed.

"What," He began then ended up stuttering, "I- I didn't mean... I didn't..." I could tell that it truly was taking him by surprise and that terrified me.

I opened my eyes and bit my cheek, "Can you please go somewhere else for a few nights?" I saw the pained look cross his face, "I just need some time to think."

"What?" He was angry all of a sudden, like I had just offended him, "Serrina, it was an honest mistake. Give me a break, please."

I looked down at my lap and shook my head, "No," Then I straightened my back, "Please go or I will."

He said something under his breath that I was sure was a curse word then got off the floor, "Screw this." He spat then grabbed his clothes off the floor and left the room. He didn't dare slam the bedroom door in fear of waking up the babies, but I knew he wanted to. I heard the front door close behind him after a few minutes and then, through our bedroom window, I heard him slam his car door, start the engine then rip out the driveway and down the street.

I buried my face in my hands and sighed, running them back over my head and through my hair.

Over one of the baby monitors I heard a whine but it stopped and the baby fell back asleep. I bit my lip and tried to lay back own to sleep again, but I couldn't. My mind was going a million miles a minute and I couldn't make it stop.

What was he thinking?

Did he really not know what he was doing?

I didn't notice my phone buzz for a few minutes but when I finally did and looked over at it, I smiled. Ashley had sent me a picture of Krystal, herself and I when we were probably 9. we were huddled together and in one big blanket. It was captioned with #ThrowbackThurday which made me laugh.

I had probably been staring at it for a while because then my phone buzzed again and I saw the new text was from Justin.

At my moms house. Let me know when I'm allowed back. I'm sorry.

I took a deep breath and decided not to reply. He knew how I felt and he knew that I needed some space so me messaging him would just make us both more upset, and that was the last thing we needed.

I pushed myself out of my bed and left the room, forcing myself to walk into the kitchen and pouring myself a glass of water, downing it in a few gulps and then placing the cup down on the counter, listening as the sound echoed through the open house. It felt so empty now, even though only one person was gone.

My eyes were burning, whether or not it was because I wanted to cry or because I was exhausted, I wasn't quite sure, so I went back into my room and climbed back into my bed. Tears bubbled out my eyes but I squeezed them closed and quickly fell asleep.

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