Chapter 26: Reckless

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- 24 Weeks Old -

This morning, Justin had taken the twins to his moms house, promising me a day for just us. What I thought he meant was a day to relax while we ate food that could kill us and watch bad TV shows. What he meant was that he was inviting all our friends over to watch a hockey game.

As they all arrived I realized it was more to distract me than to watch the game, but the game was a very close second. It was the Leafs after all.

Sarah and Ryan had arrived first and she had been chatting with Gabby while I chopped up veggies. Then Chaz showed up and Gabby ditched Sarah for him. I had taken up residence on our small love seat and was currently watching as they practically dry humped each other by the door.

When Sarah walked over to me and fell into the small space left on the loveseat, she sighed, "What the hell is going on between those two?"

She was watching Chaz and Gabby too. He had one thumb looped in her belt loop and she had a hand on top of his, her other playing with his hair. They looked like they had intense sexual tension and it was extremely awkward to watch.

I shrugged, "I think they're screwing."

"Obviously," I didn't have to be watching her to know she had rolled her eyes, "I though he was with Ashley though."

"Me too," I replied and pulled my legs to my chest, "But I guess not." The last I had heard from her was that she was settling in nicely and her dad had found and adoption agency for her to look into. I wanted to tell that to Sarah too, considering that she would be good support, but I kept my mouth shut.

She sighed, "He had it good for her too,"

I turned my head and frowned at her, "What?" Ashley had given me the total opposite idea.

"Yeah. He had it bad." She smiled and looked at me, "He had a picture of them as his phone background." She made a fake gagging sound and then laughed, "Not even Ry and I do that."

I wanted to laugh at how much of a romantic he was but I was so entranced in the idea that he had actually liked Ashley that I couldn't think of anything else. He liked her?

Sarah leaned her head on my shoulder, "She seems like bad news."

"Who?" I mumbled, snapping out of my gaze, "Gabby?" Sarah nodded and brushed a piece of black hair from her yes, "No, she's good."

"For Chaz?"

I bit my lip. They had a history that was great, sure, but who says that had to be their fate again?

"I don't think she'd hurt him." That was my honest opinion. She spoke very highly of him, "She doesn't just mess around with boys." I kept it to myself that she actually did, but she didn't mess with Chaz.

"He's too reckless." She sighed and then sat up straight, "He trusts girls too easy."

"At last he has good taste."

"Jenny?" She scoffed, "Think again."

"Chaz, stop flirting and come watch the game!" Justin shouted from the couch. I saw his face turn a vibrant shade of reed and he quickly sat down beside Ryan. Gabby pouted for a while before heading to the bathroom.

Sarah pressed her chin into my shoulder, "You sure she's okay?"

I turned to her. Our faces were inches apart but didn't feel awkward, "Honestly, no." Her face turned into confusion and she sat back, "Ive only known her a few months. I don't know a lot about her," I know she got an abortion, "She seems to really like him but I don't know what she's capable of."

Sarah seemed surprised at my words, probably never expecting me to actually say she might not be the perfect fit for him.

The boys all let out a chorus of cheers as their team scored a goal and Gabby appeared again. She began whooping too and I was relieved Justin had insisted on taking the twins to see Pattie.


As we settled into bed that night I was still thinking about how cautious Sarah was. She truly cared about Chaz, but what was so bad about Gabby that made her nervous? I didn't understand her caution, nor could I see why she cared so much, but I did care about Ashley.

Ashley, my best friend, was pregnant with his baby. I should care about him. I should want him to be happy, even if that meant him being with Gabby, but I did. I wanted him to go back in time and never sleep with Ashley. I wanted him to go back and wear a condom. I wanted him to go back and make sure she never left.

Justin hand slid into mine and he frowned at me, "You okay?" He whispered.

I tugged the blanket up to my neck and nodded, "Yeah," His face was only inches away from mine and I could smell the toothpaste on his breath, "Im just thinking."

He flashed me a sad smile, "About your mom?"

I hadn't even thought about her today, which seemed odd, "Actually no," I lightly laughed, "I was thinking about Gabby and Chaz."

"What about hem?" He was frowning.

I sat up and let the blanket fall off my chest, "Should we be concerned? I mean, they were a thing before and it didn't work out."

He sat up too, "We were 15 when they dated, babe. We're 18 now. She's actually 19, so no I don't think we need to be concerned."

I sheepishly nodded, like he had just scolded me and I was now being told off. He must have noticed because he reached around and grabbed the hip furthest away from him to roll my onto his lap. I was straddling him before I even realized and he was holding me firmly there with his hands on my thighs, his thumbs dangerously close to my crotch.

My face turned red as he spoke, "Can we not think about Gabby and Chaz while in our bed?" Slowly, I nodded and brought my lips down to his. He ran his hand up my sides and gripped firmly at my boobs.

I placed my hands on his chest and slid them down his chest, pausing at his waist and pulling away. He looked at me, offended, "Today, I do you." I whispered and slowly moved down his body, placing soft kisses across his skin and listening as he let out little grunts and moans, knowing I was doing my job when he gripped at the sheets underneath him and whispered my name.

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