Chapter 16: Have Safe Sex

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NOTE: I have very different opinions on abortion than the characters in this book. Do not take my writing as my opinion.

This chapter may be a trigger to some readers.

- 11 Weeks Old -

Gabby had forgotten about that night. When I asked her if she felt better the next morning she had told me she blacked out and then thanked me for taking the rest of the bottles. I kept my mouth shut and made Justin promise to never tell her I knew. He agreed and the night was left behind us.

Yet every time I looked at her I thought about the baby boy that she killed and all the beautiful things she was missing out on because of it. She recklessly killed her son. My daughter had died. She had taken an easy out of being a parent and it made me sick.

So to take my mind off of it, I had invited Ashley over to distract me and to give Gabby a new friend. I had forgotten that they both had a past with Chaz until she was already here. It didn't help that Justin had also decided to invite Chaz and Ryan. Ryan in turn brought Sarah. Ashley brought Connor.

So everybody that was coming to our house: Ashley, Connor, Gabby, Chaz, Ryan, Sarah, Justin, me and the twins.

Ashley and Connor came first so it was nice to see the immediate friendship form between them and Gabby. They all made their way into the living room and sat down. Ashley wasn't there for long before she darted off to the bathroom. I noticed Gabby stuck close to Connor and kept batting her eyelashes at him.

"So how did you meet each other?" Gabby asked him, referring to me, practically on his lap.

"She was my girlfriend," He began, "The first and last." I felt a grin show up on my face as he smiled at her, "I'm gay."

Her face went a vibrant shade of red and she moved a little bit away from Connor, "Wow, Im embarrassed."

"If I was straight Id totally do you though." That comment made all of us blush. Her, because she was flattered. Connor, because he had never been good with flirting. Me, because I knew he'd do her well. I had learned that between him and Justin, Connor was much larger than average under the belt.

"Serrina?" I heard Ashley call from down the hall, "Can you come here?" As I stood up the door bell rang.

"Just a second!" I called to her and ran to open the door. I swung it open and smiled at Sarah. She had cut all her hair of and was now sporting an adorable bob. She hugged me tightly and the boys pushed past us. I turned and saw that Chaz had stopped moving while Ryan had moved to man hug Connor.

I looked at his view. That was the moment that I had realized the most awkward situation ever. Ashley had emerged from the hallway and was standing beside the Tv while Gabby stared at him. He wasn't sure where to look.

I touched his shoulder, "Justin is in the nursery with the twins." He nodded and walked away. He didn't make eye contact with Ashley as he passed her but their shoulders bumped, definitely to an accident, and then he disappeared down the hallway.

"Serrina?" She called again. 

I closed the door behind Sarah and she moved over to where Ryan was standing to meet Gabby. I followed Ashley down the hallway and she led me straight into the bathroom. I was confused to say the least.

She, on the other hand, was not, "He's screwed her too?" Ashley didn't seem surprised when I grimaced. She shook her head, "Whatever. He's a dick." Then she reached into the sink and pulled out a pregnancy test, "I used this."

My eyes went wide, "You're pregnant?" I slapped my hand over my mouth when I realized how loud I had said that.

She shrugged, "I don't know. Im a few days late. I figured its better safe than sorry."

I nodded, "What does it say?" I stretched my neck to try and see over her arm but she moved the test away looking at it herself first.

It hit me then that if this test was positive, other than my daughter, every girl in this house has been pregnant.

"Ashley!" I was getting anxious.

She shook her head, "I think its only one line." I grabbed it from her hands, not caring if it had her pee on it. I was experienced with these dumb things.

There was definitely one line but I couldn't see an obvious second one, "I think you're safe."

She let out a deep breath and shook her hands, "Thank god."

So I punched her in the arm.

The test fell to the floor, "What the hell-"

"Why would you screw Chaz without a condom?" It was a whisper but I spat it at her with anger, "Are you a total idiot? Didn't you learn your lesson from me that it only takes once?"

She shrugged, "I though he did use a condom," She was rubbing her arm, "And that fucking hurt."

I was about to lecture her on the bad things about pregnancy with a random guy but there was a knock on the bathroom door.

"Babe, can you come out here?" I sighed. Dammit, Justin.

"Be right out." I shook my head at her and left the room, knowing she would follow.

I made my way into the living room and immediately saw Gabby had moved to sit beside Chaz who was grinning at her as she held Braxton, almost in a flirty matter. They had obviously made up with no problem. Justin walked in front of the TV and smiled at me.

"Can I get everybody's attention?" He called and everybody listened, "I wanted to make an announcement." I was waiting for somebody to make a comment but there was none. He was grinning from ear to ear, "Tomorrow Ill be back in the studios recording a new album."

A chorus of congratulations filled the room but I was slack faced. He was what? What about me and the twins? Did he not care that I still needed his help? He could have at least told me before putting me on the spot.

"Didn't you know?" Gabby called over to me. I looked at her and saw Chaz had his hand on her thigh. I gritted my teeth and looked at Justin.

Ryan spoke up, "I think that's our cue to leave." He let out a nervous chuckle and everyone followed his suggestion. Gabby left too, probably with Chaz. Justin looked terrified.

"That's why you invited people over?" I asked. I was trying really hard to hold back my anger because this was his career and it mattered to him. He was making music before everything happened so he had to go back eventually, I was just hoping it would be later.

"I was going to tell you," He bit her cheek, "Right before, actually. You were busy with Ashley."

I shook my head, "You could've told me yesterday. Or this morning when we were screwing around in bed."

He bit his lip and nodded, "You're right. I should've told you earlier."

"Yeah," I mumbled, "You should have." The I saw a look on his face that was so sad I almost teared up, "But Im happy for you." I smiled, "Congratulations."

I walked over and kissed him. I needed to let him have this, even though I wanted him to stay with me at home forever.

He had a career that his life revolved around. I couldn't stop that.

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