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Polaroid Love by ENHYPEN starts playing:


you may be thinking, since it's another love song then there is another couple coming through.

absolutely right.

it had been a week after Sunghoon and Isa's confession , and let's say that it made some people eager to tell their crush about their love.

who am I referring to?

Yang Jungwon took a deep breath and went to see Chuu, she was in the hall walking towards the library.

she entered the library and so did he, he followed her and noticed she was going to a remote side of the library.

"why are you following me?"

the Sheep got scared that he forgot he was in a library and wasn't supposed to make loud noises.

"what's the question?"

the boy went straight to the point. not even feeling nervous, cool sheep indeed.

"I'll be your boyfriend if you be my girlfriend"

Chuu was blushing so hard she could have made a blush factory, how could he just say that without thinking straight?

"yes, you dumb sheep"


the two had been seeing each other for a whole month.

she had taken his competition photos, he had helped her with her job as a babysitter.
the both new about the other ones feelings, just that they were waiting for the right time.

"so at Wonyoung's house at eight?"

"yep, but don't you think we should tell the others?"


"sounds cool"

"see ya!"

Jungwon got closer and gave her a peck on the cheek and left the library.

Chuu put her books she had borrowed back on the shelves and exited the library giving a smile to the librarian.

once they had all arrived home they went to change into more comfortable clothes.
they were all having a night out and the meeting was at WONYOUNG'S house.

once it was around eight Jungwon, Chuu, Isa and Sunghoon showed up at her doorstep.

Chuu rang the bell and Jay came to open it up.

"you guys are early"

"well duh Jay, it's Wonyoung's house of course I'm gonna be early"

"keep quiet Chuu"

"you're not my mom Isa"

"prove it Jiwoo"



the boys just watched the scene as if it were a scene from a movie. they were questioning if they're girlfriends were okay or not.

"by the way, where's Sunoo?"

"he's in the kitchen he came before you guys"

#𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐀𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓Where stories live. Discover now