The Relics part 2

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Sven and Kaya woke up in the morning due to a strange sound. In the house was no one and nothing that cloud course this sound.

Sven: Dude..5 in the fucking morning..

Kaya: I know darn it *takes a sharp knife from the kitchen*

Sven: *takes 2 knives* but shouldn't we use the Relics?

Kaya: I don't think is necessary. And you remember what happend yesterday.

Sven: I really d-

The strange sound made his apparence again, but this time louder. Sven goes to check it but unfortunately he hit his smaller toe finger in the door's threshold.

Sven: *fucking holds himself to not say the most racists, sexist, homophobic and disrespectful shit someone can heard due to how painful it was*

Kaya: *goes to check in the opposite direction and sees a tail* WHAT IS THAT!

The tail disappears but Kaya follows it.

Kaya: What the fuck are you...

? : Huhuhu ye fund meh, ye fund meh!

Kaya: What. The FUCK. Are you.

? : Khehehe I hem a badh luckh griemhlin! The mai'enemey race ohf khumans! *jumps to attack Kaya*

Kaya: *Hits him full force in the face while in the air and catches his tail* EXPLAIN YOURSELF!!

The gremlin: Akh, fhair enogh. Whe griemhlin's ohf badh luckh ar the reson badh luckh exhisths. Khumans canh'nt cee us therfor wr canh'nt fhully attakc tehm. Soh whe crethated Badh Luckh to fighkt y'll!! Buht yer teh frist khuman toh cee meh!

Kaya: This is all so wierd. Im finna just kill you and go to school. Ty for waking me and my brother at fucking 5 IN THE MORNING!! *drops the gremlin and steps on him with full force killing him*

The gremlin turns into dust and disappears.

Sven: Now this was wierd..

Kaya: Yes indeed. I don't think I can sleep tho.

Sven: Me neither and my toe finger still fucking hurts.

Kaya: Well that's lame. Put that finger in ice.

Sven: Yes ur right.

2 hours pass and they start going to BHSA. They reach in class where there is a fight betwen Lexa and Troja. Kerok is knocked down.

Troja: *grabs her hair* Come on sweet girl! What's the matter? You scared?

Lexa: *headbutt's him hard*

Troja: Ouch you fucking slut! *reaches for her right boob* This will feel ni-

Sven rushes to him and hits him with his leg in the head so hard at the point it caused a shock wave in the class. Troja falls unconscious to the ground.

Sven: LEXA! *holds her* what happend?

Lexa: *sobs a bit* that motherfucker almost killed Kerok and wanted to assault me in a sexual way. And no one can interfere. He...he got a awakened Vision Relic.

Sven: This Troja...I will fucking kill him I swear...but what do you mean by awakened?

Lexa: We will learn something interesting about Relics today. I don't know either but it seems overpowered..

Kaya: Yes indeed. If Arlord can't interfere then is bad.

Arlord: I tried. But it was like...he knew what I was going to do. He blocked and parry my attacks with a knife. I guess that's what his Relic took form of.

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