The Death Catacombs, Part 1

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Around 3 months passed. Sven learned how to use and half controll his Relic just as everyone else and fought many wierd entities. But something happend today.


Sven and Kaya got to school, a bit late.

Sven: FINNALY! Sorry for being la- *sees a new girl near Lacius* Oh hi..

Lacius: Finnaly you two came. Btw this is Akkyra Sore. The new kid in our class. She possesses an awakened Elemental Relic.

Kaya: Wow...that's impressive. Now we should go to our seats..

Sven and Kaya went to their seats.

Lexa: Why are you late?

Sven: Well-

Kaya: He took a shower but the water pipe was broken and we tried fix it.

Sven: Precisely.

Lexa: Funny. *tries to hold Sven's hand*

Sven: You know is kinda obvious.

Lexa: So?

Sven: Alr. *Holds her hand too*

Kaya: Sven you wildman :))

Sven: Just shut up.

Lacius: Are you done talking? Good. *does his master/teacher work* all right, the class is over.

Kerok: Hey, Sven. Come with me a bit.

Sven knew where he was going. At the bathroom:

Kerok: *removes the slabs* are you ready?

Sven: Definitely. But should we really go?

Kerok: I think so. If not I only want to. You don't have to come if you don't want...

Sven: I'Il go but you explain if we get in trouble.

Kerok: Alright, alright. *they jump in the passage*. Everything is pitch black...

Sven: Lucky me, I have a lighter. Don't ask why.

Kerok: Also, remember here are a lot of guards.

Sven: Oh yes. Using our Relics will drew atention. So we better be silent. *turns on the lighter*

The lighter makes quite a good light for this situation, it also release the walls of this passage.

Kerok: Hm, here it says "The Death Catacombs, home of our guardian angel Zyr!", who the hell is Zyr..

Sven: *freaked out* Zyr is the Demon of Haterd...I just hope it ain't real.

Kerok: Demon of's get going.

They both go for around 400 meters till they see a stairway with torches.

Sven: But no guards...

Kerok: I've went further, like for one km. This stars don't go down a lot...we will eventually see  a lighter room with a guard at every opening, there are 4 openings. The one we will come from, one in front of us, one on left and one on right.

*they both go down the stairway*

Kerol: There they are...

Sven: But something's wierd. I don't feel their heartbeat. And is surprisingly hot here. Besides, you see that electricity lever? It goes right were the guards are.

Kerok: Now that your saying, you ain't wrong.

Sven: Wait a darn minute. *tries to push a guard but his hand phases trough him* those aren't guards, those are Holograms to scare people.

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