The Death Catacombs, Part 4

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Kerok: Kaya? Oh yes. We are here for quite a while.

Sven: Yeah...I think everyone is wondering were are we. Now about this see I had a chill childhood but this is the sign of my almost death.

Kerok: Almost death...? What's that supposed to mean?

Sven: You see, me and my family had a close family. Like we were friends, neighbours, we usually went on a trips us all, explored many lands and things like that together. This sign reminds me of how me and Kaya almost died and how they all...died.

Kerok: Oh...I feel, sorry, for this. If you don't feel comfortable you don't have to explain.

Sven: No is alr. I trust you. Basically we were attacked by a tribe were they called? Mislets.

Kerok: Mislets? I don't use my relic so what are those.

Sven: Mislets or Mislet, is how poeple with that mentality, beliefs and attitude. They are usually a whole tribe and mean to attack anyone who isn't a Mislet. They belive in their own maniac religion where men and males are superior to women. Women are treated as dogs and usually inferior to them in every aspect and if we don't obey this, we are called rats and get attacked. They mean to kidnap, rape and torture women for their own sake then say "WE'RE GOING TO POR'VRT, DEAR LORD MAHUIT!! GIVE US WOMEN AND WE GIVE YOU SACRIFICES!!"

Kerok: This is horrible.

Sven: After a Mislet is tierd of its girl, he gives her as a sacrifice. The only way a woman can survive is to swear she will act, be and transform in a man. Or in a short way, if you are a girl and want to be transgender, ur alive there. So back to my scar, we went in a forest recalled due to its beautiful landscape and view. But we didn't knew Mislets live there. We were attacked by them and forced to obey them wich, was ridiculously and we all said no. They assaulted us from every direction and a spear penetrated Kaya's palm and my face. That part of my face actually. That's how I got my scar. But I wasn't scared, I was never a scared cat. I took that spear and fought with all my might and so did my sister. This happend 5 years ago when I was 9. She was 10 and we were both fiction and fighting and stuff like this passionate so we fought as much as we could. So did my parents, they were trained fighters and didn't break a sweat even with so many. They retreated after seeing their people die to our hands. They also dragged their dead fighters with them and one kf of them, I think the leader said "Next time, Mahuit will punish you all..!!"

Kerok: *shocked*

Sven: You'd say im lying but it appeard on the TV. "3 dead people in the forest, tracks of a brutal fight and an unknown tribe discovered!"

Kerok: No way...actually I've been on search of those for 2 years but gaved up bc I couldn't find the slightest track of them.

Sven: I see. Now you pretty much know. But what I want to know is their origins. Eh, doesn't matter.

Kerok: I think it does. Can you describe me their look?

Sven: Well, they are all naked with leather things and piercings. And many wierd inscriptions wrote and wierd drawings on their body.

Kerok: Be more explicit?

Sven: They all have the same drawings and inscriptions. One thing was a...a bull with fire betwen the horns that was drawn on the left shoulder, on the next they all had a broken line all around, on the chest they all had a wierd thing wrote in hell knows what language, it was like um, an inverted A with an X below the line, a T with 2 horns like an Y, an K with a curved like, a combo betwen K and J, and an F with a line down like an inverted L.

Kerok: This it can't be...*looks terrified on the wall*


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