Celesta, God of Imagination

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So as Sven fell asleep, Celesta made herself shown and wanted to talk to Sven about something really important.

Sven: Yes Celesta. Say.

Celesta: You know I told you im a Holy Ginnie. In reality im not.

Sven: What do you mean...

Celesta: I am a God. The God of Imagination that was born once the name of Gir appeared on earth. I live withing the mind of the Gir, even tho im not.


Celesta: I know. And when it comes to the Gir bloodline, im like Omniscient. I know everything about the Gir bloodline, past and future. I know everything and seen everything. Your secrets and everything. Im so called the God of Imagination because I live within the imagination of the Gir bloodline. Im responsabile for the power that's within the name of Gir. I imagine them being powerful.

Sven: So this is it...you allowed my Relic to be a cursed one? And you allowed Scrasix to be in the blood of the 2nd member of the Gir bloodline?

Celesta: Precisely. Scrasix created me in order to keep his power and the fragility of a human in balance. And you Sven, you are the strongest member untill now besides your father. Gir members become stronger and stronger. Every new person that wears the name of Gir becomes stronger than it's parents. They get more potential therefore it allows me to allow more power in the body. You Sven, allowed me to drive 80% of Scrasix's power. Your father was the symbol of the family for generations. I've never meet someone so strong and brave. He fought in many wars around the Immeverse and with him and his army victorious.

Sven: That's something he never told me..

Celesta: To keep you safe. You see, he was executed not only due to his bloodline, but because he also made 2 kids with a descendant of Ilumix, the God of Light. Scrasix and Ilumix where hatred siblings. They never got along at the point they tried to kill each other. And a Devil descendant having children with an God descendant is a so called "Immeasurable Sin". A sin so wrong and bad at the point it has no measuring words to describe it.

Sven: So, this is why Kaya never allowed me to say my last name and she never said her last name..

Celesta: No, this wasn't the reason. The reason was that people were watching you two waiting for the moment one of you will say it. They wanted to kill both of you also. They were calling you two "The two immeasurable Sins, the two immeasurable mistakes that should perish. She would give her life so you can live. You are her only family and she can't go alone. She knows of me but she doesn't have me. She doesn't have a" Ginnie" to keep her company. If you die, her only option is to kill herself or to live a depressed life.

Sven: Oh sister..you were always there for me. I swear I will risk my life to defend you. I swear...

Celesta: I sens the strong bond betwen both of you.

Sven: Celesta, are you really a God of Imagination? What did you do to truly get this name.

Celesta: Well, besides what I told you 10 minutes ago, Ilumix gaved me this name. Scrasix mainly build me to keep him alive but she made me a God. She thought I can controll imagination at my own will wich is, actually true. But me being "trapped"  in your mind doesn't allow me to use my full power.

Sven: Oh, I see. Is there anything else I need to know?

Celesta: Yes, 2 things. One, remember that big threat I mentioned a few days ago? He's far stronger than you, or you at your actual state. You need an awakened Dragoncrest Relic. I have no ideea how you will get that, but nothing can work on destroying him besides that. He is far more formidable than anyone can ever imagine. And he is on a higher plane of living than the immeverse itself. And the second thing you need to know is that you will have a new classmate soon. A girl. You shall respect her and make her your friend.  She is the one that can repair the damage after the "Clash of the two God's that will destroy the immeverse".

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