3-Help Me

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"Actually, I am gonna need a couple of the things before I work with you" I stated matter of factly. The boss nodded and stepped closer to listen. "First off I want to know what you do." I explained. "We trade and sell drugs in exchange for weapons and money, I thought that was obvious,." The boss stated. "What else?" "I want full control and access to the weapons unit" He nods "All yours, anything else?" "I want control of her," I said as I pointed to Kay. She walked up to me and looked at her boss to see if he would let me have her . I didn't really need her, I just needed a quick cover-up for me and Dabin.
~time skip as fuck~
Minutes passed of me getting used to my surroundings and touring the area.  I eventually got tired of walking around the warehouse and was ready to leave. "Hey, isn't there supposed to be some huge sexy mansion that we all live in," I looked to everyone for answers, "like in the movies? Why the hell are we here still?" I complained. "Hate to break it to you babe but the only ones of us with mansions are Dabin and the boss. "Kay informed me. I already knew about Dabins home because I've done things literally everywhere there. I didn't want people to be suspecting our relationship but I also didn't want to live with the old guy. I decided to just drop it completely and hope for the best. " Dabin, I need you to drive me back home." He smirked. "Why don't you ask your new girlfriend to take you home?" He challenged " Kay's not my girlfriend asshole, she's your cover-up," "Oh, really? I couldn't tell" he said sarcastically. I just ignored him and made my way to his car

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2022 ⏰

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