012 | The Unending Psuedotorture of Iscarion Colchester

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Author's note:

I haven't posted in a while, here's some Diofield Chronicle.


Like a shell of himself, Iscarion wordlessly sunk into the seat, his gaze unfocused and blank.


"...Rias." Iscarion said bluntly in an attempt to dismiss his captain. He eyed the papers in Andrias' hand, grimacing at the thought of the work he knew he would have to do. "This isn't a good time. Could you leave that in the war room for me?"

Andrias nodded before briskly leaving the room. "Of course. I'd hate to bother you, Isca."

"I'd hate to bother you, he says." Fredret remarked, stifling a laugh. "But look at you- whatever Rias asking of you, it certainly must be taxing."

"How long have you been here?" His mood souring by the moment, Iscarion watched as the knight circled the room, eventually sitting across from him.

"Always have been. Now, what's all this about?"

Iscarion sighed, hesitating to answer.

"Go on, I won't tell him."

Straightening in his seat, the archer shifted in Fredret's direction. "He's putting the uncomfortable work on me again."


"I don't follow his reasoning. Is it because I'm respected?"

"That is... subjective, given the current state of affairs." Fredret's smirk dissipated quickly. "And with the way things are going, I doubt that you'll stay that way."

"Tch, you're right... and yet, it still stings when you say it like that. I know what Rias is trying to do, and while I don't agree with it-"

"What an understatement that is..."

"-Still, I... we must. Aside from the fact that I've been assigned to this- against my will, unfortunately, but that's beside the point- It's my obligation. I gave Rias the 'ok' for it, didn't I?"

"Right." Fredret stood up and glanced towards the doorway. "I suppose I have my own obligations to do, so I'll be taking my leave now." He awkwardly stepped out of the room, but stopped midway through, a final thought forming in him. "Oh, and Isca?"

"Go on."

"I have to say, being of such high prestige that you're the one trusted to break bad news... I'm almost envious."

TO DAZZLING DARKNESS, scrapsWhere stories live. Discover now