013 | Schlachtfeld

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Author's Note:

Welcome back to more Guilty Gear stuff! 

As you can see from the title, quite a bit of this will be in German- I have a personal headcanon that Leo Whitefang slips into speaking German when he's angry/flustered/can't find the word he wants in English/etc.

As such, translations will be included at the end.


Unbeknownst to him at the moment, Zappa witnessed a war waged off the battlefield, between his own superiors, with years of foundation- all in a matter of seconds. But, with how frequent such an event was in his life- though every previous occurrence was between the spirits that terrorized him- who could blame him for shutting this one out?

The first 'strike' came loud, boisterous, and uninvited, echoing through the sterile silence of the war room.

"What is the meaning of this, Daryl?" Leo asked, his rage too strong to be masked. "Plotting behind our backs, making such brash decisions... what are you trying to do?"

Daryl grimaced, facing the second king with disappointed conviction. "You seem to forget that Ky is endorsing me, Whitefang. If I were trying to hide something..." He stepped back, opening the space between them once more with the intent to defuse the situation. "Ah, you wouldn't be down here to confront me."

"And what is that supposed to mean?"

"Unlike someone here, I can handle a covert operation."

"And that 'someone' is...?"

"Tch, you figure that out yourself."

This was the moment Zappa began shutting out the argument happening around him, becoming nothing more than background noise. And yet, despite this not being his battle, it occupied more of his thoughts than he wanted.

No, King Leo is right. I don't think I've seen King Daryl until maybe three weeks ago... is he really all that trustworthy?

And yet... Daryl has been chosen by the High King for a reason. Undeniably, his skills are necessary in these times, are they not? He's an unusual man- unreadable, blunt, unbiased- perfect for a diplomat.

...Not 'perfect' to work with Leo, I suppose. They're opposites. Too far on each extreme. And the High King is the middle ground, so it balances out-

"Heuchler, the both of you."

"And what of it?" Daryl said with a snarl, stalking behind Leo. "Doesn't that make you one, given your affiliation?"

"You're the one engaging in deals with our enemies."

"And you're the one benefiting from it, despite how much you denounce them... if the G4 debacle hasn't taught you anything."

What did he say? Zappa quickly glanced behind him in an attempt to draw little attention to himself. Heuchler, die Heuchler... hypocrite? That's one hell of an accusation, especially to your fellow king. I'm not going to even get into that...

"Either way, this isn't your field of expertise. Let me handle it- alone, if I must."

Finally, Leo withdrew, his tone neutralizing. "So be it. I apologize for bothering you." He said bluntly as he turned and hastily stepped out of the room. "I cannot reason with that man! Er ist zu unberechenbar für sein eigenes Wohl. Es ist sinnlos."

They seem to fight like this often. Politics are relentless, and so are our kings, I suppose. 



Schlachtfeld - 'battlefield'

(die) Heuchler - masculine term for 'hypocrite'. Nominative case.

Er ist zu unberechenbar für sein eigenes Wohl - 'He is too unpredictable for his own good'.

Es ist sinnlos. - 'It is pointless'.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2022 ⏰

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