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*BEFORE YOU READ* This has nothing to do with the story. I just wanted to get out how bad the fight was. If you get confused just move on to chapter one! Thanks :D Also, each chapter I will put a picture of a person in the story. I will put it in italics so there will be two names at the top: One who is talking (Bolded) and then a picture of another charter (Italics). Try not to get confused Dx Thank you! Here is what it should look like: (I'm just gonna use random names)



"...And Heaven and Hell are now fighting...Heaven wanting to save us, and Hell wanting to kill us. We'll see what happens." The teacher concluded her lesson. She looked around at her petrified students and smiled a wicked grin. Ever since everyone had to take sides and fight, this particular teacher wanted Hell to win. The students shrunk more in their seats for this...for they believed their teacher was a vampire in disguise. She had long, wicked-black hair, and red glowing eyes. Her smile was pure evil, and her skin was the color of ice.  When she entered a room, the temperature dropped, for the soul in her body was pure evil.  Suddenly the speaker overhead spoke, "Attention. Attention teachers please. The plan is now in action."

The students had no idea every single teacher was planning to kill them. Right. Now.

They screamed in horror as their own teacher lunged at the first victim. They were too afraid to watch, except for one bold girl. She stood up, and ran to the door.


She screamed as the teacher lunged for her next, finished sucking the blood of her first student. The teacher laughed like a sociopath about to make a kill...which she was. "Mm...I hope your A.B. Negative...!"

The teacher fell over on top of the poor girl, who was still struggling in the teachers grip and immediately was released. The teacher had been knocked out by a desk that was thrown at her. "Thank god..." Said the surprised but relieved girl.

"I couldn't let you die." Replied her saivor.

"Another plot?" Piped up a small-sounding voice from the back of the room.

"Third one this week...I hope this is over soon..poor Amanda..." The girl looked down at the now white but still terrified face of what used to be Amanda Paul, a smart and perky girl.

"Lets try to save some more students, this fight is getting bad." The Savior said, and with that all the students walked out, determined to help another class.

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