Chapter 6 - Safety Hunt

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Beowolf (Wolf Form)

I didn’t know where I was going.

I just needed to get out of there. To forget my life for a second.

I didn’t know why the hell I brought Amital, it just seemed like an instinct. Maybe she could even help me. Who knows? I do weird ass things when I’m mad. I realized I’m only emotional, besides Zagan and Beowolf, with her. She’s just different than any other human I met. Then again, she’s not exactly ‘human’. “You know, sneaking off with a boy isn’t the best for me.” Amital joked, not being able to stand the awkward silence anymore.

“Whatever.” I mumbled and flew faster.

Landing at a tree that’s been here since I was born - and I’m pretty old in human years - I sighed and sat down, putting my face in my hands.

Amital sat next to me, silent. She was looking at the sunrise. “Won’t you die?”

I looked over at her, “What?”

She looked confused. “I thought vampires die in the sunlight.”

I thought for a moment. Vampire stories are getting really popular..I could see where she got that from. “No. But we aren’t immortal, if that’s what you’re going for.”

“You aren’t?”

“Only other vampires, Lucifer, God, or Werewolves can kill us.” I grinned. “You humans sure have quite an imagination.”

She bit her lip, “So do you.”

“Oh, yeah? How so?”

“You thought I looked different in that dream thing.”

I stayed silent. She did look different, was the problem. I don’t know to explain that to her. “So,” I said, trying to change the subject, “We’re leaving. That’s what me and Zagan were fighting about.”

She looked down, “What do you mean ‘we’re’?”

“It’s not safe here anymore.”

“So you’re just going to leave. And leave everybody behind.”

“That, or humans become slaves, maybe even go into extinction. It’s your choice.”

More silence. She looked out toward the horizon, staring as if she wanted to burn a hole through it. She probably could've she wanted to.

Zagan’s words were still ringing in my ears. You’ll never be forgiven! You’re just a demonspawn!

I guess that was kind of true. I won’t deny it like I do in front of my father, I’m half demon. He killed my mother before I was born. In fact, the only reason I was still alive was because I ran away, with Phoenix.


The name brought tears to my eyes, but I blinked them away. I missed my sister so badly it hurt. If Zagan hadn’t killed her..if she hadn’t been trying to kill me...

I got up. “We’re going now.” I hissed.

“Um, can I pack the stuff I don’t have?” She got up also.

“Just shut up and come with me,” I held out my hand.

She mumbled something that had to do with me being in a bad mood and took my hand. I tried to ignore the pounding of my heart and sped off.


Amital got too tired to fly anymore, to the point where I was carrying her while she was falling asleep. I landed at a cave that reminded me of the entrance to Hell. The cave was dark, a black rock, hidden in a valley. It was midnight, and it was pitch black inside the cave. I put down Amital and sat on the ledge.

A pang of regret struck me when I thought of Beowolf. He’d be panicked if he found me missing, and even more panicked if Amital was missing too. I was one of the most wanted criminals on Lucifer’s list, though he couldn’t capture me when he made me pass out. I’ve managed to escape him all these years, but usually Beowolf and Zagan came with me. This time I was alone with Amital, a girl I’ve known for, what, four days? I had no idea.

“Where are we?” A voice startled me from behind.

I jumped up and almost punched Amital right in the face. “Jesus Christ!”

“No, it’s just me. Though I heard the resemblance is fairly familiar. I’m working on growing that beard in,” A yawn escaped her mouth.

I couldn’t help but give her a grin. “Oh, really now? I’d like to see that.”

I heard her smiling through her voice, “You just might. Now answer my question, where the hell are we?”

“A cave. You fell asleep.” I glanced behind me, making sure nothing was watching. I had a cold feeling something was.

“I’m wide awake now. I had a nightmare.”


Her silhouette cocked her head to the side. “You seem distracted. Everything okay?”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.” I waved a hand at her. “What was your nightmare about?”

She stood silent for a moment, hesitation written clear as day. “You wouldn’t get it.”

“Shoot for itl” I raised an eyebrow, “or did you do something you don’t want me to know? Like..” I tried to think of something. I was gonna say ‘touching a kid’ but that seemed too personal. “I don’t know.”

Amital smacked my arm, “No, of course not. Well, I guess I have to tell the story. Sit down, it’s a long story.”

We sat at the edge. She seemed distant. Too distant; it made me uncomfortable. I cleared my throat. “So, what’s the story?”

A/N: Yes, yes, shut up. the chapter is even shorter than usual. I’m giving Amital her own chapter to tell her story. Guess you’ll just have to wait, huh? Well...I guess you don’t....if you’re reading this late....Ehe....ehe....

Anyway, thank you so much for reading again. It means so much. I’m a girl who doesn’t stick to schedual so..sorry! This is REALLY LATE!

LOVE YOU ALL!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 -Luna (IceSkaterr)

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