Chapter 5 - Couple Fights Are Never Fun..

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Beowolf (Human Form)

What was going on?

All I did was walk to Storm’s room, to check on him. Zagan asked me to do it, though I don’t know why the hell she didn’t do it herself. He was asleep. But then I remembered -- Vampires don’t sleep. “Storm?” I asked and walked over to him.

His face was even more pale than usual--if that was possible. He growled a bit and tossed and turned. I tried to wake him up by shaking his shoulder, but soon passed out.

I was suddenly in a pitch black room, looking at Storm and some dude who dressed way too formal yell at each other.

Now, here I am, Storm in front of me, and the formal dude, who I learned was Lucifer, was trying to take me away. Lucifer lunged at him, and I felt a familiar panic rise into my throat.

“Storm! No!” I yelped as he got tackled immediately.

My body felt warm, and I soon realized I was on fire again. No, not now! I thought. I couldn’t let Lucifer see what I can do! Lucifer got of of Storm. Storm had even paler skin than usual. Lucifer had two bite marks on his neck. “Well, well.” His evil laugh made me cringe. It suddenly got colder,  and I was scared enough to extinguish myself. “Little Sparky here has finally turned into a fire.” His smile was full of razor-sharp teeth that I guessed to cut deep into human flesh.

I took a conscious step back, “Y..You’ll never have my flame!” I yelled, trying to sound more confident than I felt.

Storm muttered something and the world faded to white.


I woke up in Storm’s bedroom. Dazed, I looked around. Storm must have been thrashing, because he fell on the floor next to me. My head was on his shoulder. “Gah!” I yelped and scooted away.

He came through at the same time I did and blushed. “S-Sorry..You touched me while I was passed out. That brings any being into whatever I’m doing. It doesn’t happen all the time but..You didn’t know..” He looked down, “It probably put you in more danger than you realized.”

I tried to shrug off the cold feeling I got from the nightmare. “It’s fine.”

He gets up, and offers a hand. “Let’s go get breakfast. We’ll have to report what happened.”


Everyone stared at me. I hated it.

It was a meeting between the people who ran the group. I was forced to go. Not like I was a leader or anything, though. Just a victim of my own gift.

We told the story of what happened last night. One girl, I believe her name was Zagan, looked like she wanted to kill me. Another boy with wolf-ears looked like he knew half the story.

“Storm, can I talk to you for a minute?” Zagan said, her eyes cold.

“Uh...Sure?” Storm got up with Zagan and left.

Wolf-ears kid was the first to talk to me like I was a human. “So! You’re the special one in the pack, eh? Welcome to the family.” He laughed an impish laugh, and his smile was mysterious, “I’m Beowolf. Storm’s my best friend.”

I forced myself to smile. “Hi.”

“Zagan is jealous of you. She has feelings for Storm still. We’re not sure if he does or not, though.” Beowolf explained.

Well...that makes since, I thought sarcastically. “Oh.”

“Melody and Harmony are the twins. They can read your thoughts. Crocell is an angel. Barakiel is a fairy, and Kabishel is a giant. Only at night, though.” He smiled as if that explained everything.

“Uh..” I have no speaking skills.

Luckily for me, Beowolf was distracted. A tennis ball was moving around in the corner. He started chasing it on all fours. It was the weirdest thing I’ve seen today, and I’ve seen Lucifer dressed up like he was going to a business meeting.

30 minutes passed by, and no one said anything. I’m guessing Melody and Harmony are talking telepathically, since they’re intently staring at each other. One kid was doodling in a notebook. The other one was playing fetch with Beowolf. Sometimes you could hear yelling coming from the other room.

This is what it sounded like:

Storm: "....And you.."

Zagan: "You evil..."

Unintelligable arguing.

Finally, someone came back in. It was Storm, and he looked like he was about to explode. It felt like smoke was actually steaming out of his ears. He muttered a curse under his breath and sat back down. Zagan walked in five minutes later and sat down on the oppisate side of him. Beowolf saved the day once again when he jumped up on the table with his tennis ball and shouted, "And that conculdes the wonderful report meeting for the morning! Talk to each other if something else happens, and I'll see you all at the evening report!"

Storm got up first. He grabbed my hand and  dragged me out of there, leaving everyone behind. The door slammed behind him and he started flying, since we were outdoors and there was nothing in the way.

I can honestly say that he was pissed off.

A/N: Lemme explain junk before everyone rages on me, okay?

1. I just realized Amital's different form was in the other chapter so I'll post a picture of that. The picture of Human Beowolf will be here.

2. I think this book is a little confusing..Should I rewrite it? That may take a little bit but it might work out in the end..we'll see...

3. I'm probably going to end up changing the cover. It's kind of weird now. X3

Thanks for reading. See you all next Sunday or possibly sooner if you read any other books! :D

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