Chapter 1 - Kidnapped?

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"Don't touch me!" I scream as I run down the abandoned street.

Rain is pouring down my face as I run away from the vampires chasing me, but they're ten times faster than a human, and get ahead of me. The rain is so cold, and its raining slush and hail, but that doesn't matter right now. The vampires backed me into a corner of an abandoned war field and are about to kill me. They think I'm The One Who Has The Gift That Will Save The Heaven, but I'm just an ordinary girl who wants to be left alone and not killed today. "Now," one with red hair hisses, "I've got you right where I want you."

I'm so doomed! I'm so freaking doomed! I think to myself as they close in. "Look, if you're going to kill me, get it over with already." I sigh, pretending to act like I'm not completely scared to death.

Suddenly, a hand grabs me and pulls me up, away from the vampires, and what I like to call my home. I scream "Get your hands off-" A hand cuts me off mid-sentence, and the skin is pale white and ice cold.

"Shh.." Whoever saved me said, "Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you. But if you don't shut up we're dead. Nod your head if you understand the situation we're in." I nod. "Good, now you're name is Amital, right?"  The person chuckles.

It sounds like a man, but I can't see him, and I don't want to move on account that I'm about one hundred feet in the air and I could get killed if I struggle. "You're quite famous in the worlds. Everyone wants to either kill you or capture you to get your so called 'Gift'." He makes quotations in the air with his other hand that isn't holding me, and my eyes widen because he knows that I don't have the gift.

He has a tattoo or running up his arm. Its black and it looks like a snake's head starts on his palm and it is going around his arm and up his sleeve. "You don't know that some people actually don't wanna kill, hurt, kidnap, or burn you on a witch poll?" It sounds like there's a hint of a smirk in his tone. I roll my eyes, trying to get across that nobody wants to save me. "Well, the people who want to save you, we're all outlaws. Technically, they could kill me for what I'm doing. But, I do it anyway." He sighs, and I look up in surprise. Why would anybody want to risk their lives for me? I think. We fly for ten long minutes of silence until we reach wherever we were supposed to go.

"Guess I should tell you my name.." He said. "I'm Storm."

I try to say something, but his hand is still cutting me off. He moves it to my shoulder so he can still keep the support of my upper weight. Guess he could've killed me now, but it looked like he really wanted to save me.

"Nice to meet you." I rolled my eyes again, confused by why he's being so nice.

"What do you want me to do?!" Storm said, clearly frustrated.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm trying to be nice, and I just saved your life. No 'Thanks'?"

"I don't even know if you just put me in more danger! You shouldn't even be doing this!" I struggle a little bit, trying to get out of his grip.

"Stop it! You're going to kill yourself!"


More silence surrounded us, closing in. This guy is so crazy...  I think. "Why are you looking all disgusted now?" Storm asked, confusion in his voice.

"N-Nothing!" Be more careful when you think, you idiot, I say to myself.

" we are.." He sets me down in front of a giant, abandoned-looking building around two stories high. "The headquarters and my house.."

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