Ika-tatlumpung Kabanata

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"Are you sure about this, Envy?" Irinka asked for the last time.

I nodded.

Father already knows that I am planning to break-up with Via. The only way I can save Via is for her to be away from me. She needs to be away from me and she shall take my son with her. I instructed Irinka already, the day that we are ending has come. And today is the day wherein I shall disappear in her life. I love her so much that I am willing to push her away just to keep her safe.

To keep our son safe.

I can endure a little while of them being away from me, but when the chosen daughter of Hecate is here, It would be easier for us to be a family.

And I cannot wait for that to happen.

My brothers absolutely do not know that I found my mate right before everyone did. I wanted it to be kept away from my father, but knowing that we are his sons, keeping things from him is impossible. Yet we're just waiting for the time to overpower him.

Everything that he did to us, he will pay for it. He will never rule on any land again. He doesn't even deserve to be called a father. He is Satan and he will always be a demon amongst all demons. A greedy, selfish, and narcissistic person. He may be the reason why we're here on earth, but we will be nothing like what he is.

Especially my son.

"It's time," Irinka said as we heard Via scream in pain.

"Ahhh!! Irinka!!!" she screamed. Irinka looked at me with sad eyes and nodded.

She hurriedly went to Via as she was now preparing to give birth to our son. I am aching in agony, she is screaming in pain and I am not there. It was the birth of our son, yet I couldn't even touch her. She was so eager to let him out, yet I cannot do anything but silently watch in a corner. Oh how I would have loved to hold her.

"E-envy? Where's Envy?" she said in the middle of her pushing out our child.

Even when she's in pain, she always thinks of me.

A lone tear left my eye as I saw her look for me.

"I'm here, my Atlantis.." I said softly, watching her push again. Sweat covers her face.

I was there, behind the glass of Irinka's clinic. I was there as I saw her pain. The room was filled with her noise of agony. it was breaking my heart each minute. I love her too much to be hurt like this.

"I'm sorry, my Via.." I whispered as I put my hand on the glass. Intently looking at her when I know that she can't see me on the other side.

I am sorry you'd have to go through this and the next years alone, for I cannot go home to you.

"But If I had a choice? I choose to be with you and our son every second.." I whispered again.

And there, after a long while of pushing, a cry of a baby boy was heard.

Tears started to flood my eyes as I saw my son on the other side of the window. He was covered in blood, yet I know that he's going to be the next beautiful thing to me. The first was his mother. It always will.

"It's a healthy baby boy.." said Irinka and gave Via our son.

Her eyes then watered as she held our son, caressing his face as if he's the most precious jewel in the universe.

"Hi anak... this is mommy.." She cooed our son.

Motherhood suits her so much, how I wish I could be there when our son grows up. How I wished I could stay on every moment there is when they are together.

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