Snack Size gate

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After the events at the Creel house they all were now sitting in Nancy's car as she drove them to Eddie, Anna surprisingly sitting in the back, Robin was getting more and more worried by each passing second and she kept talking

"Oh shit" Nancy cursed they all looked out to see a crowd gathered where Eddie was supposed to be

They made their way towards where an officer was being questioned about the situation, Patrick McKinney was now murdered by Vecna, in the lover's lake, as they introduced Eddie as the person of interest

"Dustin can you hear me? Henderson?" Eddie's voice was heard through the walkie

"Eddie holy shit, are you okay?" Dustin spoke in a low voice

"Nah man, pretty pretty goddamn far from okay"

"Where are you"

"Skull rock, do you know it?"

"Uh yeah, that's near Cornwallis and-"

"Garret yeah, I know where that is" Steve cut his words as they all walked away


Now here they were in the middle of a forest, while Dustin and Steve argued about the actual location of the skull rock, Steve suddenly walked totally off the tracks as they all just followed him having no other choice

"I swear to god if that bird brain gets us lost" Anna grunted walking beside Nancy and Robin

"It's just Jonathan was supposed to be here for the break, and then he backed out at the last minute for some mumbly vague Jonathan reason, and to be honest I am not even that surprised because I've been feeling him pulling away lately and I don't know if it's because we're 2000 miles away or if he met someone new or what, and now i can't find out why because apparently he's blown up his family's house phone or something, So yeah, if, if the mention of his name caused a slight muscle spasm on my face that's probably why" Nancy explained

"Seems like a perfectly reasonable reason to flinch, wince or something" Robin spoke and they both continued to talk when they reached the skull rock and found Eddie there

"Hey, you alright mullet man?" Anna asked as they did a little hug, he smiled at the nickname

It's not been long since they met but they felt something familiar about the other, maybe it was their personality or their style but the two got along well

"My walkie was busted, man drenched, so uh I did the thing that I do now, apparently, I ran" Eddie chuckled

"That's a good thing you did" Anna pointed out

"Do you know what time this was? The attack?" Nancy asked Eddie

"Yeah no, I know exactly what time it was" Eddie took off his watch "My walkie wasn't the only thing that got soaked" He threw the watch towards Nancy and she caught it


"Same time our flashlights went kablooey" Robin spoke

"Which means what exactly?"

"That, the reason of the energy last night was Vecna attacking Patrick" Nancy explained

"Well we are one step closer" Robin pointed out "We know how Vecna attacks"

"And where he attacks from" Lucas added

"So now we just need to sneak into his lair in the upside down and drive a stake through his heart" Max assured

"If he has a heart" Robin added

"A stake? Is he like a vamp? Is he a vampire?" Steve questioned

"It was a metaphor"

"A bullet should work on him right?"

"I say we chop his head off"

"Yeah I'd say all of the above but we can't do any of that, til we find a way into the upside down" Nancy reminded

"We need El to get her powers back" Max added

"Everything was like way easier, we had this girl, she had superpowers" Steve pronounced

"Superpowers, yeah you mentioned her" Eddie reminded

"Boom!" Dustin shouted after the two argued about him "Bada, bada, boom" He pointed at Steve "I was right, skull rock was north"

"Seriously? You serious?"


"This is skull rock"


"Okay? You're totally absolutely 100% wrong, right now"

"Yes and no"

"Oh my god"

"This compass, worked correctly when we left the Wheeler's, it was correct when we got in the car on Curly, but it started to slip further east we went, now its way off, when I was leading us here, I wasn't wrong, the compass was"

"So you're just using faulty equipment you're still wrong" Steve argued

"Except it isn't faulty-"

"You mean something is affecting it? Basically we have a sort of electromagnetic field around here?" Anna estimated

"Sorry, I must've skipped that class" Robin spoke

"In the presence of a stronger electromagnetic field, the needle will deflect towards the power" Dustin explained "So either there's some super big magnet around here or..."

"A gate?" Anna looked around

"But we're nowhere near the lab" Nancy reminded

"But what if somehow there's another gate?" Dustin estimated "A gate we don't know about, it has to be smaller way less powerful"

"Snack size gate"

"How? Why?" Steve asked

"No idea, all I know is that something is causing this disturbance, and the last time we've seen anything like it, it was a gate, and I hope it is because then we'd have a way to Vecna, and a shot at freeing Max from this curse" Dustin started walking away as Steve stopped him

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