Chapter 1

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"Waah! It was such a long journey, I didn't think that I would be able to come back!"

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Waah! It was such a long journey, I didn't think that I would be able to come back!"

Kim Chaerin said to herself, picking up her suitcases and getting out of the airport. Just then she heard someone shout her name, "Kim Chaerin!!"

She looked behind and saw her best friend who she had not seen in a long time

Happy to see her she ran towards her and pull her into a tight hug. The two best friends screamed with joy thrilled to see each other after an eternity.

Yumi and Chaerin had been the best of friends since kindergarten, when Chaerin went to Japan they were barely in contact with each other.

They put her stuff into Yumi's car and chatted as Yumi drove Chaerin to her new apartment that her dad has bought for her.

Yumi dropped her off and they decided to meet at a cafè at 6 pm. "I'll send you the address, we'll meet there." Yumi exclaimed as she drove off.

Chaerin stopped in front of the building. It was a huge building with colourful lights draped over it. Chaerin's apartment was on the 10th floor. The best thing about the place was that there was a convenience store just beside it and her university was just within walking distance. Just what a girl like her would need.

She opened the door of her apartment and realised everything was already organised in a simple way.

She decided to take a warm bath first, finding it very relaxing. She got out and arranged all her clothes, accessories and make-up. At the very bottom of her suitcase were her sacred posters and albums of her favourite artist-Woodz. She absolutely adored him and dreamed to see him in person. She laughed to herself thinking that her wish was the typical dream of every fangirl.

Chaerin was exhausted as she had had a long day. Looking at the time on her phone, she decided that she could take a nap for 1 hour. She fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.


Half asleep she grabbed her phone which was ringing loudly. Annoyed that someone had disturbed her beauty sleep she picked up the call. "Hello?" she grunted.

"Chaerin, where are you??!! We were supposed to meet at th cafè at 6!!" she heard Yumi on the other line, scolding her.

Her eyes shot open as she cam back to her senses. She checked the time and realised she was an hour late. She really was very tired.

"Shit!! I'm sorry Yumi i overslept." She exclaimed with a guilty expression. She could sense that her best friend was irritated at her.

"I'm still in the cafe waiting for you, please hurry up." Chaerin smiled knowing that her friend was considerate and would always wait for her.

"Okay I'll be there in 10 minutes." She hung up and got out of bed.

"Oww!!" She cried, accidentally tripping over her suitcase that was lying on the floor.

She tied her long black hair into a ponytail, washed her face and wore her favourite hoodie, sweatpants and sneakers not caring how she looked. She took her keys and rushed out the door not realising that she had forgotten her wallet.
After running for 5 minutes, she finally reached the cafè.

The Celebrity Next DoorTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang