Chapter 6

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Chaerin was enjoying her food silently when she heard someone calling her name

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Chaerin was enjoying her food silently when she heard someone calling her name. "Kim Chaerin!?" She looked behind her and saw Jibeom, who was Seonho's best friend in middle school. 

"Oh hello Jibeom! Long time no see ". Chaerin said with a smile. Chaerin always liked Jibeom, he wasn't like her toxic ex best friend. He was a brotherly figure to her and would always support her against his best friend.

"When did you come back?". Jibeom asked her while sitting down on the chair in front of Chaerin. "I came here a week ago. Sorry I forgot to tell you I was coming back." Chaerin apologised looking down at her food.

"No worries! I'm glad you're back!" Jibeom said to Chaerin while trying to sneak a bite of her ramyeon without her noticing. "Yahhh! that's mine!" Chaerin said while snatching the chopsticks from him. Jibeom and Chaerin talked for a while, catching up. After Jibeom got what he wanted,they started walking towards Chaerin's building.

"I heard you both met yesterday." Jibeom stated in a low tone, looking at the ground, causing Chaerin's smile to falter slightly. "Yeah we did". Chaerin said to Jibeom in a monotonous voice. "Are you ok?" Jibeom asked. "Why wouldn't I be? We go to the same university and will probably see each other very often, I cant always feel like crying whenever I see him." Chaerin said to Jibeom with a smile on her face so that he wouldn't worry about her so much.

"Oh well if he says anything to you, call me" Jibeom said as they reached Chaerin's building. "Alright, See you later bye!" Chaerin said, smiling and raising her hand into a salute while walking towards the entrance gate. "Bye Chaerin-ah!" Jibeom waved and started walking away as Chaerin went inside.


As a result of making a mess on his, Seung-youn's mom made him do chores around the house. Seung-youn finished all his chores in 2 hours and then went into his room to work on his music. Seung-youn loved bursting his music out loud knowing that his mom wouldn't mind as she too loved his music. He went onto his social media and posted a picture giving a hint about his album.

While working on his music he hears his phone buzz and checks to see who had texted him.


Manager: Seungyoun-ah are you free?

Seung-youn: I am Hyung, Why?

Manager: The photoshoot that was scheduled for tomorrow was rescheduled for today. Do you want me to pick you up?

Seung-youn: Ah why! I was going to sleep. 😶

Manager: I'm sorry for ruining your free day. I really need you to say yes or the CEO will kill me.

Seung-youn: Alright hyung, I'll come down in 5 minutes.

Manager: Thank you Seungyoun-ah!

Seung-youn fixed his hair and went out to wear his shoes. Taking his phone and keys he went out and pressed the button for the elevator.

He got out of the building and saw his manager waving at him in a black car. "Oh Seung-youn you're here!" his manager exclaimed, getting out of the car and opening the door for him. He got into the car and looked at his manager with a cheeky grin, "Dinner's on you today".

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