chapter 17:

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Don't own anything

Author pov:

While gertrude & lex taking Zs. More food supplies came from ustio yuctobanian osea & emmerian allied forces.

Refueled the jets. Including barkhorn & lex's f18 they borrowed. Kanno & nikka walking down the hall.

Kanno: worried about your man & hikari?

Nikka: Joo, i'm worried about both of them. Hikari's been working to hard  & cipher loosing people he was very close to. Except lex came back to life but his close friend recentky passed away

Kanno: world without neuroi, ......

They couldn't help think back when they learned about their world planet like theirs. 3 main biggest events that still stuck in witches minds is 7 nuclear detonations & Ulysses disaster & 2nd continental war.

All witches vowed to protect that worlds if the neuroi invaded strangeral they don't want to suffer like their world of world witches did.

Timeskip cipher pov:

I woke up seeing nikka hikari kanno. My girlfriend hugging me her bust pressing my face. Then i saw my brother  & ... i closed my eyes but then ..... WHAT?!.

Cipher: LEX TRUDE!?

Lex: hi there sleepyhead

Trude: guten demon lord

I blushed red

Nikka: its okay drake Rakas, they know

Lex: you know your giving this fine lady a hard time you know. I'm quite shock she had take all the punishment

Nikka: its ...n not likr that

Trude: * bumped him * Hör auf😁

Hikari: just between you & i. We are staying away from the water. Help me out here Kanno

Lex flicked his brother & put a blanket over him.

Lex: just get better okay, sorry for your loss. I didn't know her at the time but i know pj

Trude: Endlich kann sie ihren Geliebten wiedersehen.  Sie will nicht, dass du betrübt bist, sie will, dass du dich immer noch siehst

Lex: well we better get going. Hopfully runway is clear before ton of transports from our world, nikka nice to meet you for the first time. I thought big bro would go for a karlsland witch like like trude. But a suomus witch, nice

Nikka: i'll take that as a compliment (ääliö😑)

Author pov:

Lex: thank you for everything, please take care off him, he's worries me due to his age. He may look young to all but .... i forgot the word

Drake snoring

Nikka: i'll make him feel all better 💕

Trude thought: who i to talk. If mein libeling gets sick i can play nurse

He hugged nikka she hugged him back.


F18 taxing & took off.

gertrude waving goodbye to 502nd. Edytha & rall waved back at them.

Trude: << du bist okay, Liebling? >>

Destroyer: << no. I'll get over it. Its in nikka's hands now >>

They got fuel tanks on the plane. As they head back base at karsland, Lex reached in for his pocket box has a wedding to propose gertrude at ustio for the next vacation.

To be continued:


brave witches: skies unknown CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now