chapter 26:

43 0 0

Don't own anything

Author pov:

(Theme starts playing)

Talisman leading the 7 formation. Cipher pixy shamrock omega 11 Avalanche sky kid & windhover. Gadfly leading 3 man squad. Ronin & ibis.

Cipher: << i see you got your f15c back >>

Pixy: << morgan is under maintenance. Good to be flying in this plane >>

Windhover: << hey ronin, your girl is uhh very impatient of killing alien freaks >>

Ronin: << yeah i know >>

Earlier briefing is held.
Rall & former awacs eagle eye had map displaying on computer operated by tablet bluetooth connection.

Talisman: marigold & other osean yuctobanian erusean emmerian fleet will provide long range support on these two locations nearby gregory neuroi hive

Kanno: long range missile fire!?

Hikari: wait that area is still cleared?

Pixy: if you haven't noticed, your additional supplies haven't been delayed. We been watching their every move

Avalanche: plus Y/F 23s from osean federation patrolling undetected shoot down neruoi with HVAA

rall: yes thanks to the feddies we have the upper hand, also osean maritime defense force developed another large ship like the titan since the 1920s back in their world long ago

Omega 11: OFS gargantuan super battleship hurricane

Shamrock: oseans love to keep secrets huh

Sadako: gargantuan you mean like much larger than yamato?

Crux: we keep a eye if we see one

Back to the air now present. Ronin joined 5 girl 502nd formation.

Ronin: << love, that attitude your showing right now its gonna get you killed you know >>

Crux: << neruoi sighted. Weapons free >>

Theme ends:

(Theme starts playing)

Aces & witches engage the neruoi. They got good hits. Kanno did the unthinkable instead of Aleksandra getting injured its gadfly.

Aleksandra pov:

Gad fly post stalled hit kanno with plane nose he ejected out right before laser destroyed the plane.

Aleksandra: GADFLY!!

I flew down to save him. My tears are coming down my face. I grabbed him. He's okay but blood is coming down his face.

Cipher instant killed the neruoi. I felt the chilling presence. Sign of anger.


kanno: GADFLY ARE YOU...

Aleksandra: STAY AWAY NOW

Talisman: << i'm taking command. Kanno your in big trouble putting all of us at risk. Solitary >>

Ronin: << so disappointed >>

Ronin flew off.

To be continued:

Going to dentist appointment


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