Not Dead Yet

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Pain, nothing but mind numbing pain. Zane could feel his limbs jerking in ever which way. Two wolves attached themselves on his left leg, one on his right, one on each arm, and one tearing away at his hip.

Surprisingly the pain only lasted a few moments. After that all he could feel was the pressure of their jaws.

Zane's mind drifted to Cleome. He remembered the cool Autumn day when he had found the 2 year old crying in a pile of cleome flowers, supposedly hidden. The dead wolf he saw just a mile before must have been his mother. Zane, an omega, was already starting to loose his sanity after 8 years of being alone with nobody to comfort him, inspected the young boy with interest. The feisty 2 year old alpha could quiet his omega need for an alphas comfort while still being held responsible for a young child therefore keeping his humanity and instincts intact. So without missing a beat, Zane had picked him up, naming him after the flowers he found him in, and adopting him as his little brother. The kid was every bit alpha too. Commanding voice and strong aura, the little alpha did nothing but train, "to protect Zane", when they weren't on the move. He would constantly wonder off with the mission of 'scouting the terrain'. And no matter how many times they were faced with danger he held his head up high, despite being terrified.

Zane had no doubt he would do just fine, even after Zane's death, he new the boy could pull through without loosing his sanity, without completely going rouge. But the fear was still there. A tear shed through the blood on Zane's face, god he hoped Cleome would be okay.

He thought back to his parents, his dads booming voice, his moms soft angelic one. His parents were like fire and ice. He always felt like his life was going a mile a minute, he never really had time to grief his parents death. He could barely remember them at times. Now though it seemed as if they were right in front of him. He could see his dads bulging muscular form, his sparkling teal blue eyes. The way he would chase Zane around their campsite, or when they would spend all day in any body of water they had come across before his mom had to call them in. He remembered her long flowing golden hair, how she would sing him a lullaby every night no matter how old he got. How she would scold him for ignoring his father, and how her arms felt when she held him. He remembered his fathers limp bloody body, his mothers cry's for him and his father, his father's earth shattering growl before getting attacked by a swarm of wolves, Zane held hostage by a man much larger than he was. He wondered what would happen if he hadn't gotten caught that day. The whole reason they were able to take his mother, the reason his father was now dead, it was all because Zane had wondered off and gotten caught. What would have happened if he had listened to his father that day? Would they still be with him? If his parents survived would he still have found Cleome? He liked to think he would've.

It was getting harder to think now, the world had gone out of focus a while ago, static filled his ears and he wondered if this is what death was. He couldn't feel the wolves tugging at his limbs anymore. Had his whole body gone completely numb? Had they torn off his limbs altogether? Was he already dead? He felt his consciousness slowly fading. A sense of peace flew over his body, and he was letting it cart him away to whatever afterlife there was. He remembered the story of Diana's garden, the moon goddess Heaven, a place where every plant grows, every animal lives, a place for werewolves who have done good in their life. He wondered if he would get to go there. Would his dad be there? His mom? It sounded like such a nice-

-wake up damn it-

Huh? What was that? It sounded like someone's voice, deep and reverberating in Zane's skull.

-come on stay with us-

It was a female voice that time. Was it the moon goddess?

-why the fuck isn't he waking up-

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