Forgoten Council Meeting

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Aziel sat, drumming his fingers on the table, impatiently tapping his foot to the click of his watch. He checked the time again. 12:32. He slammed his hands on the table, scaring the few people in the room with him.

The council meeting started at 10:30, it was currently 2 hours, 2 minutes, and 29 seconds passed the designated time. Only a hand full of people had shown up.

The Elder, Grace, was sitting next to Mackenzie, a 13 year old girl in training to become the next pack elder. Grace sat silently crocheting what looked to be a sweater, while Mackenzie read a book titled Beasts of England and Where to Find Them.

Kano and Alexander sat in a corner of the room having a heated discussion about which NFL rookie was sure to take their team to the Super Bowl.

Alice, who Aziel saw just that morning -so he KNEW she was up and active- was still nowhere to be found. He figured Calynn was out gallivanting with Liam, doing who knows what and getting into as much trouble as they could. He knew Eva would be at the hospital but for the love of the Goddess he had no idea where Caelan was. Usually Caelan was even earlier than Aziel to these things. The fact that he was late at all was peculiar in and of itself.

At 12:45 Aziel decided he had had enough of waiting. Shooting up out of his chair, effectively toppling it over, he stormed over to the conference room door. Gripping the handle with an unnecessarily amount of strength, he threw the door open, ploughing his way down the once quiet hallway. The broken off doorknob still clutched tight in his fist.


Back at the Hospital, Eva was tending to a particularly unhappy Zane. Not long after surgery did the man start to gain consciousness again.

Of course, many patients Eva took in tossed and turned in their sleep, it was expected. Plucking a wild animal out of the wild and putting them in a new environment was sure to make them uneasy. Zane however was much more persistent.

While most patients would mumble or twitch in their sleep, Zane was forming complete sentences, with eyes cracked open, sitting up, and even limping out of his room.

It was the third time in that hour where Eva had to guide a muttering and frantic Zane back down, whispering words of solace and easing him back into unconsciousness.

She pinched the bridge of her nose, right between her eyes, and softly massaged the nerve. Zane had just had another episode. She found him five feet from his bed, halfway lying on the ground, asking her with a desperate tone where a flower went. She had to get Caelan to come help get Zane back into bed.


Caelan came straight to the hospital after waking up, demanding to see Eva and Zane. Since they were both still in surgery he had to wait. He held his breath outside the double doors with the words "Surgery In Process" in bright neon red light above the door. He chewed through the cartilage around his nails, after his fingers started bleeding he then moved to chewing the inside of his mouth before the doors opened up.

He saw Eva's face brighten at his presents, but her expression was still grim. As he followed her with haste, he pondered asking his questions, but decided eventually on holding them off for a later time.


After a while, the silence between them broke. "He's bad," he had heard Eva whisper to him, "Really bad."

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