The Dream

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Zane sat in a wide open field, tall grass swaying in the gentle breeze. He'd been in this dream for what felt like months now. At first he thought he really had died, but after wondering around and finding nothing interesting, he figured it was just a dream. Besides, if he was dead he'd have been reunited with his parents, at least he hoped that's how it would go.

The only other living thing he saw was a wolf that appeared every now and again, which disappeared after staring at him for a while. It was himself, in his other form. Except instead of a grimy, muddy, skinny wolf, it was a giant beast that stood before him.

His other form was easily as tall as him, with a fluffy golden coat that seemed to glimmer in the sunlight. Zane never thought he could look so majestic.

He was currently laying in a patch of short grass, looking up at the clouds, not sure what else to do. How to get out of this dream, he wasn't sure. But he had a feeling he was going to find out soon.

A rustle from his right made him sit up, acknowledging his wolf that appeared to him once more.

"You have any idea how to get out of here?" He asked the beast. Wolf him did nothing.

"Some help you are," Zane mumbled to himself.

The wolf stood tall, staring down at Zane. The whole wolf version of him was starting to get a little annoying. He'd been in this dream for who knew how long, yet his stupid wolf just seemed to want to stare at him.

"Oh fuck off will you?" Zane threw a clump of grass at the animal. "If you're not gonna help then just leave."

Zane tried to go back to his thoughts, but a strange feeling in his gut made him pause, his senses tingling. He looked up at the wolf, which turned its head, looking into the distance.

Zane stood, the strange feeling growing stronger. It felt like there was something he needed to find, urgently at that. If he didn't find it he felt like he'd die. The anxious feeling churned over in his gut, cementing itself there.

He completely forgot about the presents of his wolf as he let his instincts take over, closing his eyes and straining his ears. He focused on the feeling, a pulling in his chest, and pinpointed where that pulling sensation was coming from.

The sound of heavy footfalls made his eyes snap open, but he wasn't scared. His wolf had taken off in the direction the pull was coming from, his mind begging him to follow. And Zane always listened to his instincts.

Zane took of after his wolf. In this dream, he was a lot faster than he was in real life, sprinting past trees and rivers and mountains. Where he was going, he wasn't sure, but he was definitely gonna find out.

As time past, and Zane grew closer to whatever he was running to, he could start to smell it. A cool July evening, a warm campfire, and a sense of home. The sent reminded him of his father, and tears prickled his eyes at the intense nostalgia. His pace quickened as he raced to find whatever it was.

Zane panted heavily as he stopped at a bridge. He was here, finally. The smell was overwhelming, a rapid river rushing underneath him, the blood rushing through his ears mixed with the noise of the rapids. He stepped onto the bridge, frantically looking around for the source of the pull. It didn't take long to find it.

A man stood a few hundred feet away on the other side of the bridge, also out of breath. Like Zane, he had probably just gotten arrived after running as fast as he could. For some odd reason, Zane knew the man was looking for him.

The man was the most beautiful person Zane had ever seen. Tall with defined muscles, small scars littered over his large arms and a tiny one at the corner of his upper lip, making him look mean and cold. Zane wanted to kiss those lips so badly. The man had dark, intense eyes that seemed to stare right through him, raven hair just falling over his forehead. Zane knew he could spend an eternity looking at that man and never get tired of it.

He almost didn't notice the wolf that was next to him, which was saying something because it was ginormous. It was even bigger than Zane's wolf that stood beside him, opposite to the other one. It was quite rare to see such beautiful creatures in the same place. They complimented each other quite well, one with golden fur and the other with dark, rippling fur that seemed to glow in the blue moonlight.

Zane took a step forward, but the man didn't move. The closer Zane got the more nervous the other guy looked. By the time Zane was a few feet away from him, the man looked like he wanted to run away, but he stayed, feet planted to the ground. He wouldn't be able to run away even if he wanted to, because how could he when Zane was practically sprinting for him.

Zane finally stood right in front of the man, his breath heavy, not quite sure what was happening. The two wolves beside them greeted each other, quickly rubbing against one another and curling up on the bridge to rest.

They seem to like each other, Zane thought to himself as he watched his his wolf happily snug into the larger one's side.

Zane reached out a hand but the man flinched. He paused, hand still hovering in the air. When the man calmed down a little he moved again, gliding his fingers in the air over the man's face. Finally, Zane rested his palm against the man's check, warmth instantly shooting up his arm.

He locked eyes with the man, confused. What in the world was happening?

The man hadn't moved since Zane had placed his hand in his face. Zane grew worried, the pained expression on the man's face for some reason making him feel pain as well. What was wrong? Did he do something wrong? Was he no supposed to touch him?

Suddenly Zane felt insecure. He quickly pulled his hand away from the man's face. Without warning, the man reached up and grabbed Zane's hand, pulling it back up to his cheek.

Zane watched his expression, searching his eyes. He saw the man's pain, his deep sadness, his hope, his love. Zane saw and felt it all. He felt the urge to comfort the man, so he placed his other hand on the opposite cheek, rubbing small circles into the man's cheekbones.

The man started to cry, a tear escaping the corner of his eye. Zane worried he did something wrong, and started shushing the man in an attempt to comfort him, much like he would when Cleome had a nightmare. He wiped the tears from his eyes and brushed the hair from the man's forehead.

Then the man reached up, taking Zane's face into his own hands.

"My mate," the man whispered.

The pain in the man's voice, Zane couldn't tell if the man was happy to find him or not. This made Zane extremely worried.

He met his mate in a dream? But what did that mean? What was the purpose of this dream happening? Was it all in Zane's head? Who was this man? So many questions swirled in Zane's mind, but he couldn't ask them fast enough.

Suddenly he felt a pulling feeling again. Before he knew it, Zane began to loose consciousness. How that happened inside a dream he had no clue. All he knew was this handsome, mysterious man was getting burry, and everything was spinning. Zane could faintly hear the man call out for him one last time, then everything went black.

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