Big Scary Alpha

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As the three wolves came closer to the center of their territory, paths began diverting from the main road they had been walking on for the past five minutes. Each of these paths lead to a home containing sleeping members of the Rosemary Pack. As the trees started to thin the town square stood tall and proud, surrounded by fields of flowers, fruit, and wheat. The town located deep within the Rosemary territory was homey and quaint. The small buildings scattered around the main house were spread in a kind of organized messy feel. They passed a tea shop, a brewery, a grocery store, a cafe, and many other small shops before arriving at the main three buildings. The main pack house took up most of the area, standing five stories high with big open windows on the first floor. Many wolves lived in the upper three stories of the house with the exception of the Alpha who lived on the first floor. The second largest building stood to the left of the house. This was the hospital, it housed persons and animals alike. There was a pediatric ward, an emergency ward, and a ward for animals among many others. The smallest court room building stood ignored to the far right of the pack house.

Eva had urged them on faster when the hospitals came into view. They quickly and as quietly as possible weaved their way through hallways and rooms to get to the 'Critical injuries' hospital wing. This is where they preformed most surgeries and enchantments, with few rooms dedicated to housing particularly unstable patients.

"Quick quick set him down," Eva ushered Calynn, shooing Caelan's pesky hands away, though the man still hovered close to her side in case she needed anything.

Eva swiftly got to work, checking Zane's vitals, giving him an IV and blood, patching up any open wounds she missed, and sponging him down, all within record time.

"I still need to do an MRI scan to see what kind of internal damage we're dealing with. I can't detect any internal bleeding but he's gotta have a handful of broken bones due to his malnutrition." Eva seemed to be talking to herself rather than the twins who were standing around watching her work. "I mean I'm surprised he's doing as well as he is considering the scaring he has from previous wounds, some of these shouldn't have scared at all by the looks of it." Eva continued to hover over Zane, inspecting every crevice of his body. Finally she carefully slipped a gown onto his slim frame and turned to acknowledge the twins.

"So," she clapped her hands together, "Who wants to go tell Aziel of our newest guests?"

The twins exchanged frightened looks. Neither wanted to face the wrath of their Alpha. "Nope, nah, not gonna do it," Calynn turned to leave, "I don't even want the rouge here, one of you do it." She quickly left the two wolves, most likely to retreat back to her room on the third floor of the pack house.

Eva turned to Caelan with an enticing gaze. Caelan let out a sign. "No Eva, I've covered your ass way to many times to do this again. You gotta stop taking advantage of my kindness." Eva looked as if she was gonna cry, "But you're the one who called me!" She knew she had asked a little too much of Caelan a couple times and hated the fact that she was called out on it. It made her feel so guilty.

Eve gave a little pout, quivering her bottoms lip for effect, and gave the biggest puppy dog eyes she could muster.

"Okay okay," Caelan took pity on the doctor, "I'll go with you, only for moral support and backup in case Aziel really flips his shit. But you're gonna do all the talking."

Eva jumped up and down, "Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!" She whisper yelled, throwing her arms around Caelan.

"Now let's go," he said, "before I change my mind."


Eva and Caelan stood outside the doors of Aziel's room, quite literally shaking in their boots. Eva jerked herself around to face Caelan,

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