There's a Flower at the Border

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Aziel trudged towards the pack house, wanting nothing more that to curl up in his warm soft bed and fall asleep. But since the arrival of their "new friend" ment breached borders and a possible future war, he turned down the hallway to his office. The opposite direction he wished he was going.

He was frustrated by Alice's comment after the meeting. He still remembered the concerned look she wore. In his opinion there was nothing to be concerned about. He could handle himself, he wasn't a little kid anymore.

Aziel sat in his desk chair, slouching, arms and legs relaxed. He honestly had no idea why he was as worked up as he was. The only other time he had acted so out of character was when his parents died. He never wanted to be that vulnerable again, yet here he was, acting like a child for reasons he didn't know and didn't wish to find out. It irritated him how easily he was letting his emotions get the better of him.

5 years ago I promise myself I wouldn't lose control, now look at me.

He tried coming up with reasonable explanations, but they were all far fetched, and it only gave him a headache.

He was just too tired to deal with pack complications at the moment, and pushed the papers aside with a lazy hand. He had been going non stop for almost 6 years now, no breaks, waking up early, staying up late, running back and forth and bending over backwards for his pack. Aziel may not act like the most caring Alpha, but he cares the most out of any Alpha he's met before.

After all, this is the place his parents asked him to protect.

Slouched over in his chair, he held his head up with a hand and sighed, again. He stretched his legs and gave a yawn, his eyes blinking slowly. As the afternoon light shown through the open window behind him, Aziel didn't even realize he was falling asleep before it was too late. But instead of trying to wake himself up he let himself be carted off to an anxious rest.

Outside the office door stood Alice, who was still very much concerned for her friend. She knocked meekly, a guilty conscience hung at her heart. She had pushed Aziel for answers when he very clearly only needed a friend by his side, and now she would have to disturb him again to apologize. He already had so much to do, and obviously a lot on his mind, he always did.

"Look I'm sorry for pressing too much," Alice all but whispered, pushing open the slightly cracked door a few more inches, she continued speaking, "I know you don't like talking about your feelings and stuff, and I should have just been there to-"

She paused her sentence when she stepped into the office. The big burly alpha passed out behind the redwood desk let her know Aziel didn't hear anything she said, but she didn't mind. Alice was in fact quite relieved to see Aziel sleep, even with his face contorted into a scowl as he slept. She worried for his health. The passing of his parents made him take on the role of Alpha much sooner then he should have, and with no mate, his mind was sure to be deteriorating. The weekly visits Eva has been making to Aziel's office also worried her greatly. Alice didn't know how much longer he would last, and prayed to the goddess he would come to her when it was too much.

Sighing, she grabbed the soft felt blanket from the black leather couch to her right. As she gently draped it over Aziel she wished he had been a bit smaller, or her a bit bigger, so she could carry him to the more comfortable couch. With a swift kiss the Aziel's forehead, Alice turned to leave, glancing back at her friend and Alpha before closing the door.

Something was definitely wrong with Aziel. Alice had grown up alongside Aziel, with his parents acting as hers too. Their death hit her as harder then everyone else, everyone except Aziel. She watched her lighthearted yet stoic friend, brother, become cold and dead.

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