Chapter 3

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Author's Note: I do not own any Fandoms' Content or any of its Characters that are seen or used throughout this entire story that you might recognize for they all belong to their respective owners. Any Original Plot, Original Ideas, or OC's belong to me.

A young Faora with shoulder length hair but also wearing a standard black Kryptonian skinsuit is practicing her swordsmanship with a Kryptonian javelin. As she was busy training in a combat room in Krypton's military base, someone else arrived in the room.

It was a young woman around Faora's age with the same matching black hair, blue-colored eyes, and pale skin tone. She wore a black Kryptonian skinsuit and seemed bubbly. "Sister, they told me you'd be down here. I have wonderful news to share with you."

Faora ceased her training and smiled, for anyone in the future would hardly ever see the soon to be Sub-Commander ever doing as it was a rare sight. "Oh? Care to share?"

Vala reached her older sister, jumping in overexcitement. "Jor-El has recognize my credibility and has taken me under his wing to mentor. An El has accepted me as his student, Krypton's greatest mind. Rao, can you believe this?"

Seeing her younger sister in joy made Faora happy for her. "Congratulation sister. I am so proud that you made it far in fulfilling your role in the Thinker Guild."

Vala beams. "Thank you sister for supporting me just as I supported your role in the Warrior Guild." Vala then embraces her older sister, much to Faora 's bafflement and instead found this embrace to be very soothing. She hugs her sister back, enjoying this moment when suddenly Faora feels an intense heat all around her.

Opening her eyes, Faora gasped. Her face etched in horror as surrounding her is fire. Where her sister once stood was no replace by a vague fiery humanoid shape, crying out. "You let me die!"

Faora swallowed heavily, feeling the heat burn her when she hears a voice calling out to her.

"Wake up."

The fire engulfs her as she begins to scream while that voice is calling out again.

"Wake up!"

Faora shot her eyes open with a loud gasp. She shot her upper body up, spinning her head left n' right to then see standing on her right, having a hand on her shoulder is Hope. Faora was blissfully unaware of tears running down her eyes and was more shock of seeing the woman that had cut off her leg. "You!" She snarls.

Hope undeterred by her hostility retorts. "Yes me and you're awake. I see you by the way." There is silence. Hope sighed. "Never mind you probably never saw the movie to understand the reference. Glad to see you're not going on a rampage like a deranged maniac with your mind back in control."

"You cut off my leg!" Faora exclaimed furiously.

"Did I?" Hope took a seat that was place beside the bed and rested her chin on her palm, lazily pointing at the bedsheet covering the Kryptonian. "Check again."

Faora pulls the bedsheets with instantly Hope closing her eyes. Faora is shock and mad to find she was naked. These scoundrels had the audacity to undress her while she was unconscious?! As she prepared to attack, Faora took the time to notice her right leg was intact. Not stitched as it was fully back in place as if it had never been severed to begin with. Her expression soften. "My leg it is healed."

"Just side note I didn't remove your clothes while you were unconscious. My cousins seem to lack decency when it comes to mortals such as yourself. Stick shoved up their ass." Hope explained, still having her eyes closed.

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