Chapter 3

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Saw POV (when is it not?)

It was Saturday already! My first week of school was already finished. I would always sit with Gaty and her er- our friends at lunch. And she turned out to be in my art class so that was fun. Everyone in the friend group knows about my EIGHT issue, and their totally ok with it. Lollipop, Taco, and Gaty invited me to go to the mall for the party. "So, what are we doing here again?" I asked Gaty since Lollipop was going crazy other the stuff they have at hot topic and Taco was getting her ears pierced at Claire's. "I don't really know. Lollipop just sent me a text to come to the mall. I guess we could find new outfits for the party." Gaty said while walking. "What about Lollipop and Taco?" I asked her running in front of her. "I'll just text them." "But-" "Come on! Let's go!" Gaty grabbed my hand and I blushed a little bit. "Ok but slow down!" Gaty and I spend the rest of the day shopping and eating food at the mall. I checked the time. "OH SHOOT!" I yelled. "IT'S 4:30!" Gaty rolled her eyes. "So?" "SO, WE'RE GONNA BE LATE TO THE PARTY! IT'S AT 5!" "Oh right." Gaty grabbed my hand again. This girl has a problem. She started running out of the mall. "Wait, what about Lollipop and Taco?" "They'll be fineee." We got to the bus stop and Gaty let go of my hand and sat down. "How long until the bus comes Gaty?" I asked her while sitting down. "10 minutes." "Just gEIGHT!" I yelled sitting down. I was thinking about the party when Gaty leaned on my shoulder. Wait.. SHE'S LEANING ON MY SHOULDER! "G-Gaty?!" I looked over at her and she fell asleep. "I guess all that running around tired her out..." I thought. I just sat there silently freaking out. I slowly went to sleep myself.

Gaty POV (yay! new pov!)

I slowly woke up and saw the bus. "Saw! The bus is here! Wake up!" I yelled at Saw, shaking her. "Ughhhh, fine ok." I grabbed Saw's hand and walked onto the bus. I sat her and I down. "I'm going back to sleep." Saw said leaning on my shoulder. "O-Ok." I blushed a little. WAIT WHAT? NO NO NO NO NO. I was probably just hot! Yeah! I just let her laid there until we got to Leafy's house. By the time with got there it was 5:04. "Saw, wake up." I shook her lightly. "Hm..." I shook her more. "IM UP!" I giggled. "We're here!" I said as I grabbed her hand and ran out the bus. I knocked on the door. "Um Gaty? Can you let go of my hand?" I blushed a little. "S-Sorry! I have a problem." I quickly took my hand away. Leafy opened the door shortly after. "Oh hey Gaty! Hi Saw!" "Hey Leafy!" Saw said. "Can we come in?" "Of course!"

Me and Saw walked into Leafy's huge house."Party's upstairs!" I grabbed Saw's hand and started walking upstairs. We entered the room where the party was and the music was loud. The music was so loud I could barely hear my thoughts. Saw immediately ran out the room. Confused, I followed her and saw her sitting on the floor. "Saw, are you ok?" I asked her sitting down. "I-It's too l-loud." I could hear her hyperventilating. She was shaking. "Saw, it's ok, breathe. Breathe in, breathe out." She started listening and started to calm down. "Are you ok?" I asked her. "Y-Yeah..." "Do you wanna go home?" "Yes." I stood up and pulled her up. I carefully grabbed her hand and we walked downstairs. "Where are you guys going?" Leafy asked us. "We decided we're gonna go home right now, sorry." I said. "Oh ok!" I walked Saw to the bus stop and sat her down. She was still lightly shaking. "Are you sure your ok?" I asked her rubbing her back. "Yes."

Time skip to after the bus ride


"Can we have a sleepover?" I asked Gaty as we walked to her house. "Of course!" She was still holding my hand. "By the way, do you have a fever?" Gaty asked. "Huh? No, why?" "Because your pretty red, especially around your checks." Was I blushing that whole time?! "Um I'm f-fine!" "If you say so..." We finally got to Gaty's house. Gaty ran inside still holding my hand and ran upstairs into her room. "What was that?!" I yelled at her. "Look, every time I have someone over, my dad always thinks I'm dating them." I blushed a little more. "Can we watch a movie?" I asked trying to change the subject. "Ok!" Gaty turned on Netflix and we decided to watch Mean Girls. About 30 minutes in, Gaty fell asleep on my shoulder. I blushed a little. Then I slowly started to fall asleep.

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