Chapter 9

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Leafy POV

"Um, Coiny? We've been waiting for 30 minutes and she still isn't back yet..." I said worried. "Re-lax, I'm sure she's fine. Maybe she fell asleep?" I sighed. "I'm checking on her, who wants to come with me?" "Me and Painty will come!" Lightbulb said standing up and dragging Paintbrush with her. "Fine, I'll come too." Coiny said. The 4 of us walked up stairs and we knocked on Pin's door. (Her name was on it as well as a buch of stickers) "Pin? You in there?" Paintbrush said knocking on the door. "Omga! I think the walls are sound proof!" Lightbulb said. "Yeah but is the door sound proof?" We all put our ears against the door and we could make out faint snoring from the other side. "See? I told you." Coiny said with a smile on this face. "Yeah yeah whatever!" I said annoyed. "Let's go back downstairs." We went back downstairs and explained what happened to Pin. "So, who wants to tell scary stories!" Gelatin said out of nowhere. "Not this again." Donut said. "Babe, relax! I'll fall asleep this time!" "That's what you last time." Donut mumbled to himself. "I'll tell one first!" Gelatin whispered. "It was a dark and stormy night. 10 freshman were having a sleepover, just like this on-" "What about Pin?" Needle said. "11 freshman were having a sleepover, just like this one... Where suddenly..... BANG! Someone banged on the door, just like Coiny wishes he could bang Pin." Everyone giggled but Coiny. "W-Whatever!" Coiny said blushing. "Anyways," Gelatin said. "The door slammed open and it was............. YOUR MOM!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAAH!!!!" Gelatin started laughing and fell on his back. Donut sighed. "This is why no one likes your stories." "I know you love me." Gelatin said which made Donut blush. "Let's just sleep. I'm tired." Loser said. Everyone immediately agreed with him. "O-K! since Pin is asleep, and I was the 1st one to come here, I get to choice who sleeps with who." I said.

Gaty POV

Uh oh. She's gonna choose Saw and it's gonna be super awkward! "Ok, so Gelato with Donut, obviously, Loser with Cake, Coiny by himself because no one here likes you. Needle can sleep by herself, me by myself, Lightbrush- I mean, Lightbulb with Paintbrush, anddd Saw with Gaty." "Shit" "Sweet dreams! Oh! And you have to share sleeping bags." Just great. Cake's alright hyperventilating and Loser's trying to calm him down, Lightbulb and Paintbrush are both red as tomatoes, and Saw is frozen in shock. "C'mon guys! Go to sleep already!" Needle yelled. "M-Maybe we s-should get some s-sleep?" I asked Saw. Why am I so freaking nervous! "Y-Yea sure..." Everyone got into their sleeping bags and Leafy turned off the lights. There wasn't a whole lot of room in the sleeping bag. I mean, it was made for ONE (hfj) person but whatever. Me and Saw were forced to cuddle with each other. "I'm going to sleep..." Saw said half asleep. "O-Ok, goodnight." "Nighhh..." She fell asleep. I turned the other way to maybe get this blush off my face when Saw pulled me into a hug asleep. I tried to get out of it but she just held me tighter. I sighed. I'm to tired for this. I'm just gonna sleep. I slowly close my eyes and fall asleep.

Cake POV

I'm really glad Leafy's asleep. I sat on the couch. I wasn't that tired anyway. I can't believe she tried to make me sleep with Loser! I swear, it's like she knows who everyone's crush is or something! (she does) Loser probably is asleep by now. I checked the time. 11 pm?! How have I been up for two hours? Maybe I can just sleep on the couch? But there's no blankets and it's freezing outside. I sighed. "Cake?" I jumped. I looked to my left and saw Loser sitting next to me. "Are you ok?" I blushed. "Y-Yeah! I'm fine!" "You don't look fine." Loser put his hand on my forehead. "Your pretty hot and your checks are kinda red." Shit. "I'm f-fine! Just tired. I was gonna sleep on the couch put there's no blankets, heh." "Well... you can sleep with me in the sleeping bag. Sorry if that sounded weird!" I blushed more. "You... want me to?" "I mean, if that's ok with you-" "I'm fine with it!" I blurted out a bit to loudly. Loser got in the sleeping bag and gestured for me to come with him. I got into the sleeping bag with my cheeks and ears red as tomatoes. "Is that better?" Loser asked me. I nodded, to flustered to say anything. "Goodnight Cake." "G-Goodnight Loser..." Then I fell asleep.

Time skip to 9 am

Paintbrush POV

I opened my eyes to see nobody else up. I tried to sit up but something stopped me. I looked to my right and saw Lightbulb hugging me in my sleep. Typical Lighty. I reached for my phone to check the time. 7:06 am. Lightbulb should get up in a few hours. I have two options here. I could wait until 10:30 for her to get up, or wake her up and mess up her sleep schedule. My stomach growled. I'm to hungry to think. I'll just carefully get out of the sleeping bag. I slowly lifted up Lightbulb's arm off of me. She started mumbling and hugged me tighter. Dang it Lighty! Time for plan B I guess. I tried waking her up. "Lighty, Lighty~" I said shaking her a little bit. She groaned. "Lightbulb get up!" I said a little louder. "Huh, this isn't the aquarium." She said finally starting to wake up. "Oh, good morning Painty!" "Good morning, uh, could you let me go please?" "Oh! Sorry! I do that a lot when I'm asleep. That's why I have a cage for Baxter so I don't accidentally hug him and get hurt by his claws." She said letting me go and sitting up. "Should we wake up the others?" I asked her sitting up as well. "Obviously! I want waffles!" "Let's wake them up first." It took a total of 30 minutes to wake everyone up. "I'll go get Pin so she can make waffles!" Lightbulb said running upstairs. "Lightbulb slow down!" I started to say. "Your gonna-" Lightbulb tripped and landed face first on one of the steps. "-fall..."

Time skip to 30 minutes later

Paintbrush POV

We had to call the ambulance cause one of her front teeth came out when she fell. Only me, Saw, Gaty, and Lightbulb, obviously, came. Everyone else was "too tired" or "too hungry" to come. What jerks. They don't even care if their friend gets hurt. We weren't allowed to go in so we had to wait in the waiting room for an hour. We were finally able to see her but she had to stay overnight. The dentist said that they might not be able to put the tooth back in place so she was gonna have a small gap in her teeth. I was perfectly fine with that, as long as she was ok. I asked if if was ok if I could stay the night there with her (even though it was only 9 am). They said I could. "It's weird ta talk." Lightbulb said putting her finger where the gap was. "Yeah, it'll be like that for a while." "I can't belive I trapped up the stairs." "I can." "Painteee!" She playfully punched me in the shoulder. I giggled. "Can we watch Neefilx?" "You mean Netflix?" I teased. (I'm not creative enough to make up names) "No, I mean Youthube." I ignored her sarcasm. "Lucky for you, I brought my laptop." "Yayyy!" I pulled my laptop out off my bag as Lightbulb made room for me on the bed. I sat down next to her and opened Netflix. "Can we waatch Mean Girls 2?" She asked me. "We're not watching that trash. We're watching the 1st one." "But Paintee-" "Can't change my mind, and I already pressed play." She sighed. "Whatever."


I woke up in a cold sweat. Oh right, I'm still trapped in here. Wait a minute, I can just climb out the window! I jump out of bed but immediately fall down. Ugh, I gonna start taking iron again, it's been a while. I slowly stand up and walk to the window. I try to open it- Dang it! It's locked! "How did they even manage to lock the window?!" I think out loud. "Um, hi it's me again." I turn to the door. "Why am I still in here?!" They sighed. "It's a long story... I'll just show you who I am 1st." The door slowly opens to reveal...


It can't be...



Haha cliffhanger! L + bozo + slow

Sorry this took so long to post. I've just been busy with school and my dad's wedding is coming up to.

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