chapter 2.

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at 9am

They should arrive in some minutes I just have to prepare the ink bottles so they will be easy to use.
10 min later
Andy is arrived I let him in
-Where is Juliet? I thought you guys will come together because she will get her tattoo right after you
-Oh her? ah yea we broke up like a month ago, so we won't come together again.
- I'm so sorry about what happened between you two
-Don't worry we didn't argue we talked about our relationship and we both knew it won't work in the future so we decided to break up but there was no arguing don't worry Hehe
-Oh, I see, I hope she and you will be okay on your own ways, I mean it was a month ago so how are you feeling?
-I'm feeling okay, even a bit better than in the last weeks of our relationship.
-Oh really? I'm happy to hear that you are okay, but can I ask why you feel better than in the relationship last weeks?
-Because now I'm not worrying about hurting her emotionally because I can't be at home all the time because the band an all that stuff, you know the tours, concerts, recording, practises etc, now I don't have to worry about hurting someone emotionally when that someone is even my girlfriend who I would never and could hurt ever.
-Oh, I see its totally understandable and reasonable what you said.
-yea yeah
-okay so what tattoo are we making today? if I'm right in the phone you said you want something personalized, but you didn't told me any detail and said it will be a secret so now could you please tell me what I will tattoo on you and where you want the tattoo?
-yeah so I wanted to ask for a drawing of yours on my right shoulder, do you have any portfolio of drawings that I could take a look?
-yea sure give me a second I must get it because it's usually in the waiting rooms table so one sec

-okay I'm back here is the one with colourful drawings the smaller ones in the beginning the larger tattoos in the back of the book and as you could guess it the medium sized ones in the middle, it's the same thing as in the other which has the no-coloured ones so here take a look.
*Gives the books to him**their hands meet when he grabs the book y/n notice it and blush a little*

-hmm let me see... let me see I would like to get a medium one from the no colour book. This one:
*Point with his finger at the picture of the one that he wants to get*

-you are sure this one? it's my first attempt drawing tattoos so its maybe not the. *Andy interrupted y/n*
- I'm a 100% sure don't worry and don't try to fool me saying that this drawing is not one of the best bat drawings I have ever seen, okay? *smiles*
-thank you. okay so I start with the stencil as usual and then I make actual tattoo.
-okay, oh and thank you y/n!
-you are welcome but why are you saying thank you?
- because you put lot of effort in each tattoo, drawing of yours so thank you again
-it's my job but thank you for saying this.
sometime later
-okay one more line .... and now it's done, you can check it in the mirror
- omg its beautiful thank you really much you are the best*smiles*
-thank you I'm happy you like your tattoo.
- like it? oh no ... I love it!

*Both smiles*

-how much is it will be in total?
-it will be $200 in total
*Andy gives the money and a very high tip, but he hides it under the tattoos price*
-hey Andy, you gave me more than the actual price.
- it's for your time *smiles*
-thank you so much!
*y/n smiles and blushed a little*
-okay here the cream and the tod o list about what you have to do with your tattoo you know the usual, but still if you don't know something of forget it just.
-call or text you I know
- thank you for the work again see your y/n!
-see you, Andy!
*Andy leaves the tattoo store*

y/n to their self:
-he is so kind he even gave me the half of the price as a tip, why did he done that? it was the biggest tip I have gotten in the 2 years as I work as a tattoo artist. but now I can't think about this Juliet will arrive soon, I should not mention their broke up I don't want to upset her feelings and now I need to clean up and change the foils not he machine, chair and every place.

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