chapter 3

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1 hour later

-good morning y/n!
-his Juliet. how are you today?
-I'm doing very well and you?
-I'm so happy you are doing good; I'm doing good as well.
- I'm happy you are good too! *smiles*
-okay so what are we making today?
-I was thinking about a flower on my arm, do you have any drawing of flowers?
-yes, one sec, you want it colourful or without colours?
-colourful ofc
-okay, here take a look from the 20th page till the 35th page there are the flowers
*Gives the coloured drawing book to her.
-hmmm I want... this one:
* Point with her finger at this picture*

-oh, it's a good one it will take like 3 hours to make it in one occasion, or I can make it the base now which will take 1 hour and the rest of I that an another time if you want.
- nah its good I have time.
-okay then let's start.

after 3 hours the tattoo is done

-okay here we are done
-omg its beautiful I love it so much thank you y/n!
-you are welcome
-how much it will be?
- its $300 in total
- here it is *gives the money and 50$ tip *
-thank you so much
-see you next time y/n!
-see you, Juliet!

*After every client at 4 pm*

-I'm finally done with every client and its just 4 pm today was really short then.
*y/n closes the store and goes home*

*At y/n 's place*
-home sweet home, I need to eat something then I will paint something

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