chapter 4

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At night

*y/n is cooking dinner when their phone rings *

-hello, my name is y/n who is talking?
-hi y/n I’m Andy
-oh, hi Andy why are you calling? is there a problem with the tattoo or ...
-oh no no don’t worry *Andy interrupts* I just wanted to talk with you.
- I see I’m happy that nothing is wrong with the tattoo, so what you want to talk about?
- I wanted to ask you if maybe you want to go out sometime like for a walk or drink a coffee? or something you like
-oh, I don’t know Andy, I don’t think it will be fair that I will go out with my client, and you broke up with Juliet like a month ago so now I have to say no but maybe later, thank you for asking.
-oh … I see, never mind forget it, have a beautiful evening then. see you
-see you Andy...
*Hangs up the phone*

- he is kind that he thought about me to go out with and I kind of like him as well, but it would be really unfair with Juliet.

*Andy s pov*
- they said no… as it was expected, I like y/n they are so cute and kind but yea they were right I don’t know if go on a date with their client would be a good thing.

*y/n s pov *
- I hope I didn’t hurt him because I didn’t wanted to hurt him at all. I just don’t want to rush anything even if I like him , I don’t want to get in  a relationship with him not because he is my client, I don’t want to get in a relationship with him because if we get together now ,I’m afraid he just want to cover his pain that the breakup caused even if he likes me what I didn’t think he does. Anyway, I get back to cooking I don’t want my food to burn down haha

*After y/n made their dinner, they went to sleep*

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