chapter 5

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After 2 weeks

*The phone rings*

-hello it’s the ritual tattoo y/n is talking
-hi it’s me Andy, I would like to get an appointment for a tattoo and 2 piercings if it’s alright with you
-sure, let me check my deadline diary
-okay, thank you
-are free on the 15th in august at 6pm? I know it’s kind of late but recently the store is very busy so I’m sorry for making you wait.
- no no doesn’t worry the appointment is totally fine with me, thank you for taking time on me again
-*blushing a bit *its my job but you are welcome, so see you on the 15th of august Andy!
-see you y/n!
*Hangs up the call*

*Andy s pov*
-I’m soo happy they still let me go to their for tattoo and piercings after that call 2 weeks ago.

*In his head*

“I will tell them what I feel, what the worst thing that can happen? they don’t like you back and refuse to take any time on your tattoos and piercings every again”

-NO, I have to stop thinking about what bad things can happen, and you are busy today so just stop thinking already.

*y/n s pov*
-I’m soo happy he want to come to make tattoos to me again I want to tell him that I’m okay to go out with him and I like him , and I’m soo happy because I didn’t hurt him I mean at least he didn’t sounded like that but I will ask him about this on that day to be on the safe side. Okay now I go back to work now.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2022 ⏰

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