Medicine - Lexie Grey (1)

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AN- I started watching Grey's Anatomy for the first time in March, I'm only on series 7 but the disadvantage of watching a series 18 years after it started is I basically already know what happens, like who dies etc, which is a pain but also at least I'm prepared. (In other words I'm not looking forward to the end of series 8). Anyway, Lexie is hot so this idea came to me.

I know nothing about medicine or hospitals and have never broken a bone so if any of this is wrong then just go with it aha.

Ps I left uni so I now have nothing better to do than write.


"No, I'm fine Mom... No... Honestly, I'm fine... Yes I'm there now... No but they said it would be soon... Well yes it hurts but it's fine... Look, there's a doctor coming over now okay? I'll call you later... Okay, I love you too."

I hang up the phone and sigh, resting my head back on the pillow. I've been sat in this Emergency Room for an hour but it's better than being at home, all alone.

"Hi, sorry about the wait. I'm Doctor Torres."

"Hey, don't worry about it, I know there are hundreds of people worse off than me."

The woman smiles at me and picks up my chart. "So you're Y/N L/N and you hurt your wrist?"

"Yep. Fell off my skateboard." I wince.

"Okay, let me take a look."

She removes the ice pack that I'd been given when I walked in and gently examines my wrist. As she works I scan the room and notice another doctor's eyes on me.

"What's his problem?" I ask Dr Torres.

She looks up and follows my gaze. "Ugh ignore him."

"Kinda hard when he's staring at me." I laugh awkwardly.

"Karev!" The woman shouts.

The guy's eyes snap over to her and he walks over, a smirk on his lips.

"Need me to get an x-ray or something?"

"No, Grey's on my service can you page her?"

The guy rolls his eyes. "Can't I do it? I'm working the ER today."

"I said no, go page Grey."

He sends her a glare and wanders off.

"Sorry about him, he sees a pretty girl and suddenly forgets he's a human not a pig."

"You think I'm pretty?" I tease.

Dr Torres laughs. "Yes, but don't tell my girlfriend that okay?"

I smile. "Well seeing as I don't know your girlfriend I'd say we're safe."

I go back to scanning the room and see a brunette walk over to the Karev guy.

"Unless it's her." I add in a mumble.

"Sorry?" Dr Torres questions.

"Nothing." I quickly say but judging by her smile she heard me perfectly.

The brunette walks over. "Hey, you paged?"

"Yeah, can you take Y/N here up to get an x-ray on her wrist?"

"Sure." She smiles at me. "Hi, I'm Dr Grey."

"Y/N." I say in return. "But you probably gathered that already."

She laughs lightly. "I did."

Dr Grey moves a wheelchair to my bedside.

"Uh, you know it's my wrist that I've hurt right?"

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