Cooking With Flo - Florence Pugh (2)

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I got my first request! They wanted smut with either Florence or Yelena and after a lot of brain-wracking, this idea was the first one I considered good.

Then I got writers block, followed by covid and then I had no motivation to write smut so I borrowed it from another of my stories on as I'm lazy and wanted to post something for you guys.

So here you go, hope you enjoy! 


Today's the day. I'm going to finally make a move on my best friend. Florence and I have been friends since high school and we're always flirting but nothing has ever happened, it's torture. So I decided to bite the bullet and kiss her, seeing her reaction. I know that our friendship is strong enough to overcome this if it doesn't amount to anything but obviously I'm hoping that it does.

"I'm getting the urge to cook something."

I laugh. "Aren't you always?"

"True." Florence chuckles. "Can I?"

"Sure." I shrug, always enjoying it when she cooks for me.

We'd just finished watching a film, lounging on my couch for most of the afternoon.

"Will you help me?" She pouts.

"You don't need my help. Plus you know I don't know how to cook."

Florence then lets out a gasp. "I can teach you."

"Many have tried before. Including several exes, pretty sure it ruined our relationship." I joke.

"Yeah but we're not dating, nothing to ruin."

"You don't think I'm capable of ruining a friendship? You've clearly never seen me in the kitchen." I say, forcing myself not to dwell on the fact we weren't dating.

She laughs. "Come on, you can have your own personal Cooking With Flo session."

"Ugh fine, but don't blame me when it all goes wrong."

"It won't. I'm basically a pro." She winks.

"Pro Flo?"

"I'm totally using that."


"How do you even manage to screw up chopping?"

"That's it, I'm out." I say, putting down the knife and walking away.

"Wait, wait. Come here."

I sigh, stepping back towards her. She stands beside me and guides my hand with hers, slicing through the tomato before neatly dicing it.

"You made that look so easy." I laugh.

"Just aim for small cubes and you'll be fine." She giggles, stepping away.

I immediately miss the warmth but concentrate on trying to dice another slice of tomato.

"Your concentration face is cute." Florence teases.

"Shut it."

We did once discuss the possibility of us dating but we were both drunk so I've never been sure if she meant it, or even remembers it.

"There!" I say in triumph.

"They're a little wonky but they'll do."

"You leave my wonky tomatoes alone." I pout.

I watch as her eyes lock on to my lips and frown as she darts her tongue out to wet her own lips. Time push this a little further and see what happens.

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