Karaoke - Hailee Steinfeld (1)

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AN: For the purposes of this one shot, Martini and Brando are cats, Hailee isn't famous and Y/N is British.

Sorry for the gap in posting but I'm job searching atm and it's a b*tch lol.

Lemme know what you think :)


"Hi, can I just get a glass of water please?"

"A 'glaaass of worter'?" A tipsy voice beside me mimics.

I turn my head and my breath catches as I see the most beautiful brunette ever, smirking teasingly at me.

"Excuse me?" I say.

"You said it funny." She slurs.

"How do you know it's not you that says it funny? After all you are speaking English."

She pauses, clearly thinking it over and I smile as confusion settles over her features. "We're in America."

I laugh, not taking any offence as she's obviously drunk. "Whatever you say sweetheart."

Her cheeks turn a deep red colour and it's my turn to smirk as she's clearly affected by my nickname.

As the bartender brings me my drink I thank him and turn back to the girl, who is staring at me with wide eyes.

"You're very beautiful." She comments, before frowning. "Did I say that out loud?"

I laugh, sliding my drink towards her. "Here, you clearly need this more than I do. It's been fun but I should get back to my mates."

The girl pouts slightly before a teasing smile appears. "Okay. Thanks for the 'worter'."

"Don't mention it." I say, chuckling again before walking away.


"She was drunk."

"Yeah but she called you beautiful."

"She was drunk." I argue again, flopping down on the sofa as my best friend and roommate paces before me in our living room.


"So... for one I'm not the type to take advantage of drunk girls, but also, who knows if she'll still think I'm beautiful when she's sober?"

"Have you seen yourself? You're stunning." Josh continues to argue.

"Forgive me for not believing the opinion of a gay guy." I chuckle.

He rolls his eyes at me. "Hey, if you can appreciate hot guys, I can appreciate good looking women okay?"

"Fair point."

"I'm going to bed but we are going back to that bar next week to find her again." He says, disappearing into his room before I can even respond.


"She won't be here." I sigh, pulling my coat tighter around me as we walk towards the bar.

"She might, you've got to learn to think positively." Josh sighs.

"Even if she is, I doubt she'll remember me."

"Who can forget that accent?" He winks playfully.

"She was drunk."

"Yeah, you said that."

I don't bother responding as I could tell he was getting annoyed and I didn't want him to ditch me. So we walked in silence for a few minutes until we were finally there.

My eyes immediately scan the room and I realise I'm more desperate to see her than I thought I was.

We head to the bar to order some drinks. As Josh is ordering I hear a laugh to my left and whip my head round to see the brunette laughing with a few other girls at the other end of the bar. As if she can feel my stare she looks up and meets my eyes, a flicker of something crossing her face before she's pulled back into conversation.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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