Chapter 1

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Today I was assigned to go back to Top Gun for a new mission that's also the only reason I'm back here on this god forsaken island. Since I'm back here I could use a drink so I'm gonna go to the bar where everyone goes it's also the bar of my father latest and only new lover since my mother. Penny is really nice and my father keep breaking her heart by leaving. Which annoy the hell out of me but that's not the only reason me and him aren't on good terms. He left my mom not long after I was born and I haven't seen much he'd come by once a year for my birthday and that was it for most of the time and he also pulled my papers out of the academy making me late of four years ! So anyway as I walk in the bar wearing casual clothes I go straight for one of my old friends.

Me(walking towards the others pilots smirking): Well well if it isn't Phoenix !

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Me(walking towards the others pilots smirking): Well well if it isn't Phoenix !

Phoenix(turn around smiling): Well well Tiger nice seeing you here I was suffocating here !

Me(laugh): Well looks like I got here at the right time !

Hangman: Well look who's here ! Tiger !

Me(roll my eyes): Ah man ! What a bummer is that having to support your ass here

Phoenix(giving me a high five): Damn right girl !

Me(high five her): Yea and who's this (pointing to a guy sitting on a chair)

Hangman(surprised): How long have you been there ?

Him: All of it

Phoenix(rolling her eyes at Hangman): What do they call you ?

Him: Bob

Me(frowning): No you're call sign ?

Bob: Bob

Hangman: Ah man that's just sad

Phoenix(realizing): Wait your my new navigator Bob Floyd ?

Bob(smile shyly): Looks like it

On that I leave them to talk a bit so they get to know each other a little and in the meantime I take a cue and decide to challenge Hangman to beat me at pool. Of course with his pride he accept so we start I got the full and he got the stripes. A few strokes later I hear Phoenix call out Rooster so I wait for him to come close enough and of course the idiot decide to get just right in the good place for me to shove my cue in his stomach. So as I'm getting ready to shoot my shot he start to talk.

Me: That's how I learn your state set ?

Rooster: Yea I just thought I'd surprise you

Me(shoving my cue in his stomach): Thought I'd surprise you too (turn around)

Rooster(smiling in pain): Nice seeing you Tiger

Me(smiling): Nice seeing you too Rooster

Of course Hangman being Hangman he start getting on my nerves.

Hangman: You know Tiger your kinda weird

Me(turn to face him smirking): Nah I'm just limited edition Hangman

Hangman(shake his head): Shut up Tiger

Me(chuckles): I don't shut up I grow up and when I look at you I throw up

Hangman(roll eyes): You're a bitch

Me(laughing): You say it like it's a bad word !

Rooster: How about you leave her alone before she kills you Hangman


Payback(trying to cut the tension): So anyone know what this special detachment is all about

Hangman(focusing on his next move): Oh you know mission are mission what I wanna know who's gonna be team leader (look at us with his superiority look) and which one of your ass have what it takes to follow me

Rooster(smiling): Hangman the only place you'll lead anyone is an early grave

Fanboy(chuckles): Ooh !

Hangman(gets in front of Rooster smirking): And anyone who follows you just gonna run outta fuel but that's just you huh Rooster ? Waiting for just the right moment that never come. I love this song !

Me(smirking): Have you forgotten who's the best here Hangman you might have one kill to your status but I...(get at inches of his face) got 2 so I suggest you shut the hell up

Phoenix(take my arm and drag me to the bar): Alright before you start to throw hands

Since she took me to the bar Penny come see us.

Penny(smiling): Hey Raven your usual?

Me(smile back): You know me too well Penny

She laugh and go make me my usual White Russian I admit it coffee is my addiction. Once she's done making it she put it on the bar and I give her my card so she can pay it. But she give it back when she probably see someone put his phone on the counter or I don't know but someone paid it for me and he did a couple of times until he got thrown out probably because he didn't have enough money for all of the people here ! At the same moment I see in the corner of my eyes Rooster go to the piano and I immediately know what he's about to play so I get up and drag Phoenix along and as Rooster start playing and singing me, Phoenix, Bob, Payback and Fanboy join him smiling and laughing.


882 words
Wrote 20/08/2022
Published 14/10/2022

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