Chapter 3

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We all leave and I go back home only to get a call from aunt Sarah.

Me(trying to sound happy): Hey auntie Sarah !

Sarah(slightly crying): Hey sweetheart I got a bad news

Me(sadly): it came back didn't it ?

Sarah(crying a bit more): I'm sorry sweetheart I thought I should tell you

Me(sniff): Yeah thanks auntie Sarah I'll try to come by tomorrow...

Sarah(sadly): Alright sweetie see you tomorrow then...

Me(holding my tears back): See you tomorrow...

I hang up and start to cry.


After a while I hear a knock on the door so I wipe my tears and go open the door but when I see that it's my dad I roll my eyes and leave the door open going back to my leaving room while he get in.

Dad(looking around): Nice place you got here sweetheart

Me(sigh and look at him): What do you want dad ?

Dad(sigh and look down): Look I have my reasons for Bradley but for you it's just that... I was scared to loose you... Raven your my only daughter I just... I couldn't imagine loosing you...

Me(holding my tears back): You set me back 4 years dad ! You didn't even let me explain why I wanted to be in the Navy !

Dad: Why'd you want to be in it so bad ?

Me: Because I wanted to be like you and mom and protect my home, my country and its people that's all I ever wanted...

Dad(take a deep breath): You...yeah ok you got a pretty damn good reason... but after loosing Goose and then your mom I just... I couldn't loose you too...

Me(let a tear escape): I know... but what's your excuse for Bradley seriously dad why ? Why'd you pull his papers out ?!

Dad(sigh and sit down): Look I can't tell you that sweetheart but I assure you I had a good reason...

Me(nod): Yeah... ok... have you seen uncle Ice ?

Dad(sigh): Yea I saw him today I'm guessing Sarah called you to tell you the bad news...

Me(nod sadly): Yeah I'm gonna go see him tomorrow

Dad(kiss my head): it's a good idea sweetheart I'm not gonna bother you longer (get up) I'll see you tomorrow

Me(give him a small smile): Ok see you tomorrow dad


Next morning and I must say I'm not feeling my day already I sigh and get my car keys hoping Rooster and Phoenix don't see me because if they see me getting to the base in my car and not on my bike they'll know something is off. So I take my car keys and leave for the base.

I get to the base and sadly Rooster got here at the same time

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I get to the base and sadly Rooster got here at the same time.

Rooster(frowning): Woah woah woah ok what's going on ?

Me(continue walking towards the entrance): Nothing Rooster just thought it might rain today... didn't want to take the chance of my bike getting all wet...

Rooster(following me closely): Ok that excuse might pass to the others but not with me ok (grab my arm) what's wrong Rave ? Come on it's me !

Me(trying to hold back my tears): Fine ! It's... it's uncle Ice...(a tear fall of my eye) his cancer came back (start sobbing quietly)

Rooster(hugs me): I'm so sorry Rave... I know you two are close...

Me(wipe my tears as I take a step back): Yeah... I just... I just want the day to end already and go see him

Rooster(smile kindly at me): I know... do you want me to come with you ?

Me(shrugs): if you don't mind...

Rooster(roll his eyes): As if I would  !

Me(chuckles): Well then !

He smile at me and we get in our locker room. After this rather long day we got in our car and left for my uncle house. We got there and the second I stepped inside I hugged aunt Sarah and started crying a little. I then went to see uncle Ice and when he saw me he smiled at me as if everything was alright. He asked about how it was going with dad and I told him everything from the start and me and Brad ended up eating with the whole family. His son and daughter were there along with their boyfriend and girlfriend. Even thought we were all sad we still had a great time.


*TW talking about death*

A few days went by and we had the news...uncle Ice passed away. I got dressed in my formal uniform for events like this and Dad came to pick me up.

We got there and I went to stand besides aunt Sarah and tried to hold back my tears. After the speech my dad went up to his casket and tacks his wings in his casket. After that one by one we went to say goodbye I went last.

Me(sobbing): I'm gonna miss you so much uncle Ice... you've made me realise so many things. You made me understand so may things. You've helped me in so many ways. You were always there for me when I needed you and I'll forever be grateful for everything you did for me. I love you uncle Ice. Always and forever.

I put a hand on his casket letting a single tear escape. I walk back to my place and we all get in a salute position as taps was playing and uncle Iceman was being buried.


Two days went by and I continued with training even if they told me I could take a day or two off. We're now the day before we have the missions and the role we're assigned by my dad. I'm team leader and in pair with Phoenix and Bob and Rooster is with Payback and Fanboy in the second pair. Hangman is standby alert on the carrier. Tonight as it's our last night before we go on mission we decided to all go out at a bar that an old friend of mine suggested to me a while ago.


1030 words

Wrote 04/11/2022

Published 07/11/2022

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