Chapter 2

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This morning I got up and got in my usual uniform since we're going to the base to get filled in on the mission of course yesterday we all saw that only the best of the best of Top Gun were there so we all had this one question "who the hell could be able to teach us?" As I finish getting ready I take my helmet and put everything I'll need for the day in my backpack. Once that's done I get on my bike and leave full speed for the base.


I got to the base and meet up with Phoenix, Bob and Rooster once we're in the class we all sit at a desk and wait for the introduction of our teacher for the mission.

Cyclone: Everyone welcome back to Top Gun. You all know that you are the best of the best and that's what we needed for this mission now let me introduce you to your instructor Captain Pete Mitchell code name Maverick

The second he said his name I started boiling in the inside. Of course on the outside I didn't let anything show but god I was angry and when Maverick said he wanted to see what we got I shot up and took everything I had laid out on my desk and left for the lockers room. When I entered the lockers room I put my things in my locker and took what I'll need to go out there and fly.


Maverick started with Fanboy/Payback and Hangman so with the others we were in the breefing room and were listening the radio to know what was going on. Of course Hangman left Payback and fanboy and since the guys decided to make those exercises interesting if they "died" they had to do 200 push up and of course Hangman did die so he had to do 200 push up when he got back not gonna lie I find it funny as hell ! Finally he got put in place ! When they get back it's my turn along with Phoenix/Bob so we go to our planes. Once we were flying Phoenix and I start to talk waiting for Maverick to do something.

Phoenix: So your dad's back...

Me(not really wanting to talk about it): Looks like it... would have liked a warning thought

As I say that he passes between us full speed and let the chase begin ! Of course my dad's very good so I used a few of his own medicine even if I'm the one that lasted the longest he still had me damn it ! When I get back to base I go see Hondo for my push up.


As Hangman and Rooster were in the sky with my dad I could here them and of course Rooster and dad have their own business and Rooster decided to take care of some up there he lost obviously and when I saw he was over with his push up me and Phoenix went to see him.

Me(shaking my head as we get to him): Breaking the hard deck, insubordination !

Phoenix(sigh): Are you trying to get kicked out ?!

Rooster(looking down): Don't worry about it

Me(bend down): Look we're going on this mission but if you get kicked out that leave us flying with Hangman

Phoenix: Talk to us what the hell was that?

Rooster(still not looking at us): He pulled my papers

Phoenix(frown): What ? Who ?

Me(sigh): My dad did he pulled both of our applications in the academy set us back 4 years

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