Chapter 5

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It's like he has the supernatural power of choosing the worst time to make his presence known and disrupt them. Mia looks like she's fuming at even the thought of you leaving with Alex, but also like she wants to go find her ex and tear him a new one because seriously the dude needs to die.

"I'll....I'll talk about this after Mia's boy toy is gone."

"Oh let's not refer to him like that."

Alex seems to take this under consideration, her face twitching only slightly in a manner you're scared to recognize as acceptance (with reluctance and a tad bit of fondness) and swivels, intent on neutralizing Ethan as quickly as possible.

You look down and sigh, you're already healed, so, not as good as Alcina's, but better than Donna's. Before anyone can stop you, you get up from the bed, letting out a hiss (literally) at the noise of Bela shrieking in surprise.

Mia opens her mouth and you send a glare her way, "You're not stopping me, that man has killed me once, and almost did it again." Mia looks down, "He....He doesn't know any better." You frown, "How is it that you've stayed the most human out of all of us?"

Mia looks lost for a moment before looking at you, "Things I haven't told you about the Baker house, they changed me, and despite how much I wish it didn't bother me, it does, and Ethan just wants to save me, he thinks I've been brainwashed or something."

You stare for a moment, "I wonder."

"I wonder-" you begin again "- how many of you lie to me on a daily basis. You and Miranda have lied in a rather large way, Alcina does something in the cellar that she thinks I don't know of, something is going on here, and I'm inclined to believe that Donna must have something hidden within her doll room as well. So, has everybody lied to me? Is that what's happened here?"

Mia looks like a deer caught in the headlights, "Please...we don't know how you'd respond, and it keeps coming out in the worst ways-"

"Spare me." you look down. "Spare me the excuses, I've almost died multiple times for all of you, and none of you can find it within yourselves, to be honest. I don't know why, but something tells me that despite her career, Alex has never lied to me, and I feel as if I trust her more than you. I don't really even know Alex ."

Mia trembles and reaches out, "Please don't go."

"I'll speak about this after Ethan is dead ."

Mia doesn't try to stop you when you brush past her.


You're familiar with the all-consuming rage, you just don't like who it's pointed at. You catch up to Alex and Bela with relative ease, huffing at the way she's wrapped up with multiple coats. Nodding towards Bela, you turn to Alex.

"I'm kind of done with secrets, how do I know you."

"I loved you." she bluntly informs you, "And you loved me, along with a select few." You take that into consideration for a moment, "Are you telling me that I have a history with polyamorous relationships."


"And you were one of those people."


Bela - during this conversation - was looking more and more confused and terrified, and you felt bad for continuing, but that made you angry. "How long were we together?" Alex pursed her lips, "That depends, are you including your time in captivity?"

"Also have a thing for people who kidnap me, got it."

"Kidnap you!" Bela chimed in, about to argue before you look at her, "You literally picked me up from the forest and held me in your castle, Cassandra threatened to eat me, Daniela was something else, and your mother essentially kidnapped me from you three, I haven't even touched Donna, Mia, and Miranda, don't even try to argue against that."

Bela visibly slouches and grumbles, but otherwise holds her tongue. Alex looks highly amused and also bitter about the whole thing.

Before the three of you can go any further, Ethan practically lands in front of you. "Oh." Alex looks down in surprise.

"That's convenient." you blink.

"Really is."

"Kind of him, even." Bela chimes in.

Ethan looks up at the three of you, focuses on Alex, "You're new. Been here long?"

"No, exploring, getting to know the people, you?"

"Oh yeah, lovely place this is, murderers, mutants, disease, the whole thing."

"Really is. So, am I going to have to make this painful, or can we do this quick?" Bela cut in.

Ethan gulped, "I won't fight." just as Bela leans forward, however, he shoots up like a dart and runs away, "What a liar." you mutter.

Alex huffs in irritation, "Well now we're gonna have to chase him."

" I'LL DO IT! " Cassandra shrieks excitedly before dashing past the three of you, followed quickly by Miranda and Mia who are desperately trying to slow her down.

"Cassandra will do it." you state with a slightly exhausted tone.

"Cassandra always does it." Bela mutters with a petulant scowl.

"Well, go after her if you want to." You look at her, and Bela hesitates for just a moment before also running after them, " Wait I want to do it!"

The two sisters bicker (through yelling) over catching Ethan and probably killing him of excitement and anger combined. Meanwhile, you are left with Alex alone .

Which is fun and awkward.

But once again, before you can do anything someone else makes an appearance.

It's a villager.

Which is refreshing, you won't lie. They don't really pose a threat, but you also have vague regard to human life so you groan before ushering the man away. "You'll get yourself killed, and that maniac is back again, you know what happened to Luiza's because of him."

He hesitates, "I was sent to tell Mother Miranda's acolyte a message."

You internally groan before sighing, "Yes, what can I tell her?"

He pulls a goat out of fucking nowhere and rips its head off, an odd sign you think at first.

Until you register.

That feels like a fucking problem.

You look at him, clearly understanding, "Is that all?"

He seems surprised he's still alive, "..yes."

"Ah good."

You don't even recognize your body when you slash with your claws and he falls to the ground, blood had irritatingly spurted on your face and shirt, making you look like a fucking psycho. Alex has a raised brow as she looks at you, "Well that was fun."

You don't respond but twitch in acknowledgment.

"I'm assuming Miranda's losing her little followers, well I would certainly know how that feels like."

Before you can allow yourself to sweep this under the rug you snarl angrily, "Why don't I just put my type down as megalomaniacs, kidnappers, manipulators, and liars?"

"Because that would require acknowledging that you're attracted to toxicity, and you're in denial at the moment sweetling." Alex gleefully replies, perfectly aware of herself and you by extension.

Ok, that was rude , you want to complain not be called out for your mental state.

But she wasn't wrong, that would require you to stop being denial, and you weren't in that phase yet.

"But I think you're doing well enough to put megalomaniac down."

"You think you're funny don't you."

"I know you think I am, and that's all that counts."

You raise a brow at her at this, and Ethan really is lost because he ends up right in front of you again.

"Dude, literally how."

"Wow, actually might be stupid."

Deep breaths.

Hello Winters.

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