A very glee christmas

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Disclaimer: I don't own Glee, Klaine, or Baby It's Cold Outside

The week of Christmas finally came in a rush. It didn't seem like things were going so fast, but after Sectionals it felt like three seconds until the week of finals dawned on Kurt. He was settling into the classes and the ridiculous amount of work, but now with the pressure of finals on his plate, Kurt had no time for the holidays at all. Not like he was that disappointed with that.

He wasn't a big fan of Christmas, and it could be because he didn't believe in God or Jesus. It also may have been because growing up, Christmas wasn't much with just him and his dad. This year though, they had a family to spend the first Christmas together. His dad wanted him home as soon as possible, but Kurt was pushing it as far as he could because he had so many ridiculously hard finals to study and then pass before going home.

The two-week break would be nice though. Kurt really enjoyed Dalton. The halls were filled with very nice guys who didn't lay one finger on him. He didn't hear any rude comments the whole time he was there. It was all he ever wanted, but he still missed Lima. He missed seeing Mercedes, Tina, and even Rachel. He missed his dad and Carole. He knew that Finn and Rachel broke up, so he wasn't looking forward to that so much, but he really just wanted to go home.

With that, he would also miss the new friends that he made in the past couple of weeks. He found it really easy to befriend the guys in Warblers. They were all so nice. Trent loved him, absolutely loved him. Kurt found it funny because whenever he talked to Blaine about him, the boy always shrugged it off. Kurt knew that Trent was in absolute love with Blaine. It was cute, but that led to him wondering the sexuality of his roommate. After asking Blaine, he found out that no one knew and wanted to ask, so Kurt went with it. He didn't really mind anyway.

The two of them could talk about Blaine all day long, and Kurt had heard some very funny stories of the adventures they had as roommates the year before. It was nice to have someone to just gossip to about Blaine, and Trent didn't care if he gushed. It was just hard being with Blaine everyday and falling harder as the time went on. There was no indication that Blaine liked him back, so things just seemed at a standstill. Being just friends was more difficult than Kurt realized it would be.

The Monday before break, Kurt had invited Blaine over to study, but their books were pushed away after a couple minutes. It was hard to study when they had such a good show in front of them. Kurt was lying on his bed with his feet in the air as Blaine copied right next to him. Blaine decided making fun of Trent wrapping Christmas presents was so hilarious.

"Look at his delicate touch to that wrapping paper," Blaine whispered in Kurt's ear. "It's like his hands were meant to wrap things."

"You are ridiculous," Kurt claimed, nudging him with his shoulder as he held back a smile. "Stop making fun of him. I don't know why I put up with you sometimes."

"Oh, I'm your best friend and you know it, Kurt Hummel." Kurt rolled his eyes. "Oh look, Trent's starting the bow! Look at how into it he is. So perfect."

This time Trent's head rose, eyes catching Blaine's. "I know, I'm perfect Blaine, but not as perfect as you, I'm afraid. If you want me to teach you some of my magic, I'd be happy to."

Kurt smiled; sweet naïve Trent didn't know Blaine was making fun of him. "Trent, don't worry about Blaine, he's being an ass. Continue with your amazing wrapping."

Blaine snorted, leaning his head down on his neglected book. He broke into a fit of laughter and Kurt rolled his eyes again. "You are a horrible friend."

"Lighten up," Blaine demanded as he sat his head up, his smile lighting up his whole face. "You are just a stick in the mud, that's what you are. Go back to your studies."

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