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Disclaimer: No ownership to Glee or Klaine

A loud scream woke Kurt up in the middle of the night. He's a light sleeper; so a little noise would wake him up no matter what. He had experienced that when living at home with stumbling Finn in the room next to him. He managed to get himself up, and moved blindly to Trent's bed, tripping and falling down on the boy.

"Oh my god!" Trent screamed, sitting up and pushing Kurt off the bed. He leaned over to turn his bedside lamp on. "Kurt! Do you like scaring me awake at one in the morning? What are you doing?"

Kurt laughed, not being able to help himself. He pushed himself up off the floor to stand up fully. "I'm sorry, but I heard a loud noise in the hall. Go be the brave one and look."

"You're braver," Trent protested, but he pulled himself up and walked over to the door. "If this is just you hearing things, I'm making you sleep out in the hall. I need my beauty sleep to function."

Kurt followed closely behind, peaking over the boy's shoulder to see Nick on the floor outside of their room, hand to his heart and fear in his eyes. Trent sighed. "What is going on? It's one in the morning!"

Kurt observed the hall, other boys peaking out in interest. He knew this couldn't be anything important, and then he saw Blaine laughing. He was positive this wasn't anything important now. Blaine couldn't stand up straight, holding his sides as he gasped for air. "Oh god, that was the funniest thing I've ever seen."

"Shut up Blaine!" Nick hollered back, his face turning bright red. "It was so freaking huge! If it was on you, you would be freaking out as well."

Kurt had enough of this nonsense. He had class in the morning, and didn't want to deal with this. "What could you two be doing at one in the morning? We are all trying to sleep here, and we don't need you two idiots keeping us up."

Blaine slipped back into the room as Nick stood up. "I woke up to the sound of squeaking, and I opened my eyes to find a big, fat rat on my chest. Blaine thinks it's the funniest thing in the world to pick it up and chase me with it."

Kurt sighed. "You are saying that I woke up because you and Blaine were acting like children?"

"It's not my fault!" Nick screamed, pointing to the door. "Go yell at your best friend! He's the idiot that picked the nasty germ infected rat up. I hope he gets rabies for it!"

"Hey Nick," Blaine singed, coming to the door. "Little Freddy wants to see you." He came out holding a small little mouse in his hands.

"Oh my goodness," Trent sighed, shaking his head. "That is the big rat that you are so afraid of? Nick, how old are you again?" Kurt kept his eyes on Blaine, as Trent turned to go back to the room.

"Kill it Blaine!" Nick practically begged. "It deserves to die. Stop holding it or it's going to bite you and you'll die." Nick whined and he shivered. "It's disgusting!"

"Oh please," Blaine replied, holding it up to his face. "It's adorable! Look at his little whiskers and nose. I named him Freddy, and I'm going to keep him as a pet. His bed will by your pillow."

"I don't think so!" Nick demanded, standing up and ducking past Blaine and the rat into his room. He slammed the door shut, the lock clicking into place. "Get rid of it before you can come back in!"

Kurt watched Blaine stuck out his lip in a pout, rising to look at the mouse's face closely. "I have to get rid of you little guy." The mouse squirmed in his hands as it let out a squeak. "I know you've taken a liking to me, but you gotta go. Unless Kurt will take you in?" He looked up hopefully.

Klaine Season 2Where stories live. Discover now