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Disclaimer: Glee is not mine, but I wish it was.

Blaine woke up on Monday morning moaning. He hadn't been sick in years, so this was unexpected. His stomach was making noises, and his head was pounding. He slowly dragged himself up out of bed, and started getting ready. He was pulling on his shirt when he felt the remains of his dinner the night before start coming up, and he rushed to the bathroom just in time. He forgot how horrible it felt to be sick.

"Whoa," he heard Nick say from the door. Blaine wasn't aware of him, but felt him kneel next to him. Blaine couldn't help shaking. The boy's hand found its way to Blaine's forehead. "Okay, up you get. You're burning up."

Blaine moaned in response. He felt like death times ten, and he wanted it to stop. Nick wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled him up. "I'll get you in bed and go get the nurse. She'll figure out what is wrong with you."

Blaine fell into his bed and immediately fell asleep. He woke when a cold washcloth was placed on his head. "Mmm, feels good." He let his eyes flutter open.

"I know sweetheart," a lady, that Blaine knew was the nurse at Dalton, said. "I took your temperature and you have a high fever of 101.8. Nick said you threw up, is that true?"

Blaine nodded, the thought and movement making his stomach turn again. "Is it food poisoning or a bug? I don't remember eating anything bad."

"No, I'm afraid you have the flu bug that has been going around the school. I had eight kids last week that had it. It is a nasty thing. They were throwing up, had sore throats, and some had headaches. It should only last a couple days. There isn't much you can do for it either, I'm afraid. You just have to wait it out, but a lot of sleep will help."

Blaine moaned, as his stomach flipped. He managed to scramble to the toilet before throwing up again. The nurse followed and rubbed his back softly until he was done. "It's all right, Blaine. Just let it out. That's all you can do."

Blaine cried softly as he gathered enough courage to flush. "Why me?"

"It's all right, sweetie. You really need to sleep. That's all I can really say that might help, so let's get you back in bed."

Blaine struggled to get to his bed, and he watched as the nurse got him water and covered his shaking body. "I have this bowl for you to use in case you don't make it to the bathroom in time." She moved to get the mandatory phone that they had in the room. "If it gets any worse call extension 24. That's me. I'll have Nick get your homework for when you are up to it. I advise you to sit this week out, or at least until you are one hundred percent. This is very contagious, and we don't want it spread even more."

"I have to go home this weekend," Blaine mumbled, his eyes closing. "Is it okay if I go home Friday, that is if I'm feeling better?"

"That should be fine, as long as you sleep." She moved around the room and Blaine heard her gather stuff. "I'm going to have Nick stay in Trent's room down the hall. That way he won't catch it, if there's any way he didn't catch it already."

Blaine grunted to let her know he heard him. "What about food? Who's gonna feed me, not that I'm up for any kind of food anytime soon."

"I'll be back, honey," she said sweetly. "I'm going to keep an eye on you like I did the others. That's my job."

"Thank you," He mumbled. "For coming. Can I sleep now?"

"Of course. I'll be back later to check up on you." Blaine watched her leave and finally closed his eyes. He slept for a while. He remembered Nick coming in and telling him that he had his homework for the week and it was on his dresser.

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