Original song

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Disclaimer: I do not own glee or any of the characters, although one can wish.

Kurt was sitting in the Warbler commons the next Monday, the week of Regionals. He was busy doing his homework that was due the next day; Nick being in the same class, was doing his with Kurt. Warbler practice would be starting in a few minutes, and Kurt felt something like annoyance flow through him. He was just getting annoyed. He spent the night before talking with Trent as he went on and on about what Blaine would do. The Warbler practice the night before was all about the boy.

Kurt loved the boy, but sometimes Blaine was just everywhere. He was all he ever heard, except the few solos the Warblers gave out, and it was getting a little upsetting. He didn't know why they didn't do what New Directions did and just let everyone sing. It was discouraging to always be in the background. He knew that if he said something everyone would just look at him and tell him to sit back and watch while they fawn over Blaine. It was just hard.

Nick looked up and over at Kurt's paper that Kurt had just finished. Kurt didn't care really. He was too caught up in thought. Before he knew it, Blaine opened the doors to the room and threw the papers he had in his hand up, starting to sing, a pop song as always.

Oh yeah

The Warblers realized that the practice was starting right away, and they started to harmonize the song along with Blaine, who started dancing with two of his fellow Warblers. Kurt studied the papers and noticed the sheet music for "Misery." Great another number Blaine can be amazing at by himself. He pushed the papers off and watched Blaine.

Oh yeah

So scared of breaking it

That you won't let it bend

And I wrote two hundred letters

I will never send

Blaine picked up two papers and tossed them to the side, making his way to Kurt, who grabbed his bag and stood up. He wasn't feeling the performance today. Blaine put an arm around Kurt's shoulders and walked with him. Kurt played along, just for Blaine. He sang along and skipped with Blaine, trying his best to get into it, but failing.

Sometimes these cuts are so much

Deeper then they seem

You'd rather cover up

I'd rather let them be

Kurt pushed his bag down on the bench in the corridor, sitting down. He watched Blaine sing and the Warblers dance behind him. Same old performance that wasn't going to win them Regionals if New Directions were going to be singing as a group.

So let me be

And I'll set you free

Blaine turned to face the Warblers, pointing for them to start their practiced dance moves. He went over and sat with Kurt. Before Kurt knew it, Blaine head was on his shoulder and his golden eyes looking up at him. It wasn't even enough to get Kurt interested.

I am in misery

There ain't nobody

Who can comfort me

Oh yeah

Why won't you answer me?

Your silence is slowly killing me

Blaine jumped up and went to dance with the Warblers while Kurt stayed put. He was trying his best to put the happy expression on his face, but all he wanted to do was frown and roll his eyes. It just wasn't fun anymore.

Oh yeah

Girl you really got me bad

You really got me bad

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