How they whould as Fathers 5sos

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Credit m: 5SOS Writing
Luke - dear lord he would be the cutest little munchkin in the world with the children especially if you had a little daughter. I feel like you'd come home one day from work or shopping and you'd hear the fresh prince theme tune blasting out of the tv and you'd be like wtf and you'd go into the living room to find Luke and your toddler stood jumping on your couches in tutus and tiaras pointing their fairy wands at each other and rapping terribly along to will smith and you'd get your phone out and snap a photo before coughing to let them know you're home and your daughter would run up to you and hug your knees and Luke would just freeze stood on the couch with flushed cheeks and would just nervously whisper "I don't have my shoes on the couch I promise" heLP
Michael - okay so Michael would 10381932784% be the "okay but don't tell mum" kinda dad and when your kids were newborns he would be so protective over who held them and fed them and stuff and he'd just want to be such a hands on dad. And you'd find him multiple nights like asleep on the floor of the nursery with his hand through the crib whilst your baby held on to his pinky for dear life and sometimes you wouldn't want to move him or disturb them so you'd just place a pillow under his head and put a blanket over him and then other times you'd wake him up and he'd be so confused and just follow you back to bed and cuddle you and be like "I can't wait to watch her/him grow up, I wonder who they'll be," and when they did grow up he'd help them dye their hair and get piercings and tattoos and sneak out because he wants them to be whoever they want to be faTHER MY CHILDREN
Calum - holy moly okay again here I'm gonna go with if you had a daughter together he would literally revolve his entire life around that little beauty. As soon as she was born he would love nothing more than to cradle her and cuddle you and tell you how much of a happy man you've made him by giving him this gift and he'd just be so utterly grateful. And then like michael sometimes when you'd be going to bed you'd find him in the nursery just staring down at your little girl and singing to her softly whilst he's brushing the little baby hairs off her forehead and when she'd finally fallen asleep he'd just grin at her with a little content sigh and come to bed. But holy balls when she is older he would be so over protective like I can imagine every and any boy that came to your house to hang out with her or take her out he'd make sure to greet first and he'd do the angry Calum face where his eyebrows are all furrowed and he has that little crease in between them and he'd be like "Come in." in the deepest voice he could muster and he would scare the shIT out of them
Ashton - so here I'm gonna go with if you had a son because I think Ashton would just want to be such a good role model for his kids especially if he had a son and as soon as he was born he would dress him as a mini Ashton and put him in bandannas and black jeans. And omg you'd come home one day and find him hunched on the floor with your son laid out on a pillow beside him giggling and he'd be like cutting the sleeves off a baby t-shirt and ripping holes in it and you'd be like "what are you doing" and he'd just grin at you and say "my little mans gonna look just like his daddy," And then as soon as your son reached the age where you'd allow it Ashton would be teaching him the drums and playing him classic rock. But when your son got to the age of like thirteen or something or got his first date Ash would sit him down and tell him how to treat a lady and be giving him all these tips on how to get the girl but be hella respectful and gentlemanly at the same time and then he'd look at you and be like "That's how I got your fine ass mother," and do the finger guns at you and you would blush and be like Ashton omg and your son would get so embarrassed and be like "Dad omg can you not I'm going to live at uncle Luke's"

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