Drunk and snuggly

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"Michael you're so drunk." I giggled as my boyfriend sloppily kissed my cheek.
"Only a teeny bit." He slurred.
"Mike we're should leave now, while you can still stand." I grabbed his hand and dragged him away from the thumping music of Luke's house party that had lasted over five hours.

I helped Michael into the car and ruffled his bright hair as he mumbled a thank you. At least he's still polite when he's absolutely wasted, I thought to myself. I got into the car and turned on the radio. Michael started singing along to the music even though I was confident he had no idea who was playing. I chuckled at him, the weirdo, luckily my apartment wasn't too far from Luke's and we arrived there in about 10 minutes.

I let Michael drape himself over my shoulder as I unlocked the door. He stumbled through and made a beeline for the couch, falling straight onto it, face-first. I collapsed next to his head and ran my fingers through his coloured hair. He turned his head to the side and said something inaudible.
"Huh?" I questioned.
Michael pushed himself up so he was sitting on his knees, "Can we watch a movie Y/N? Please?" He batted his eyes at me.

"Mike, its 1:30 am, do you think that's a good idea?" I replied, my voice firm.
"Yes!" He whined, "Let's watch Fast and Furious, or Batman!" His voice progressively getting louder.

I groaned at his predictable choice of movie, and reluctantly got up to find the Batman DVD and insert it into the player. Returning to the couch I saw Michael has acquired a blanket from somewhere and was now beckoning me over with his finger. I smiled at the sight and walked over to my boyfriend sinking down next to him.

He immediately wrapped the blanket around me and nestled his soft spiked hair into the crook of neck and swung a long arm around my waist, holding me close to him. I moved so that my head was resting on his as the movie begun.
We stayed like that for the rest of the night, even after the film finished. We fell asleep wrapped close, our bodies perfectly melting together.

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