Chapter 3: Complicated feelings

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Kiara just simply couldn't believe it. She couldn't . The reasons of how her father was with overprotective of her, the way that she was annoyed by his overbearing behavior towards Kovu, when they were cubs, was it because of her brother's past?

She was all alone, completely of wanting to sort this new feeling now of knowing that her parents had kept a secret from her all her life. 

Thinking back, it would explain a lot when Kion, their younger brother was, and their father took special care of him, being extremely worried when he became the Leader of the Guard . 

"Kiara?" She heard a voice ask, as she turns around to see Kovu who was worried about her well-being. 

"Oh, hi. How did you find me?" She asked, as he walks towards her. "C'mon, we basically know each other. 

I kind of figured that it would be the few places that you would go to when you're discomfort about something." 

The place that she went to is the hill that she and Kovu used to look under the stars. Kovu sat next to her, "You're thinking about Kopa, right?"

She nods, as she exclaimed, "How could my parents never told me that i had a older brother? " 

"Look, it's not like they expected it to be so soon. You saw how hesitant he was of seeing them, it's like he has complicated feelings of coming back. 

Maybe you can ask him about it when he's ready." Kovu said, trying to cheer her up. 

As the couple was talking, Kopa was watching at a distance, wither deciding of meeting his younger sister he never knew about. 

"Am i really ready to meet her? It's weird of knowing that i have a sister now, and Kuja would attack her, I don't want to cause any more of my problems towards my family." He thought. 

"So, you're the forgotten Prince, huh?" A unfamiliar voice startled Kopa, as he looks down to see Timon, the meerkat. 

"Whoa, where did you come from?" The lion asked him, which Timon chuckled. "Relax, kid. I'm not here to startle you. I figured you needed someone to talk to. Your dad is really something else when he was a cub." 

The lion bends down to the meerkat, "You know my father?"

"Know him? I basically raised him, along with Pumbaa of course. " The meerkat exclaimed, as Kopa looked on at his sister. 

"You're anxious of meeting Kiara, aren't you? She is a headstrong lioness just like your parents. You should go talk to her." 

"Uh, you haven't seen me. I basically lack of communication. Besides, I don't want her to get hurt because of me." Kopa said. 

"Kopa, no one will ever judge of your past. You'll be fine once you explain to your family of what's really going on since you left. " Timon said, encouraging the prince. 

Kopa knew that the meerkat was right. He couldn't avoid of his family any longer than he wanted to. 

He decided to take a chance and approach the couple. "Kiara?" She blinked by the sound of her older brother's voice, as that Kovu knew that they needed some space and time alone. 

Kiara seems distant of him as that he approached his sister with a gentle voice, "Kiara, what is it?"

She finally replied, "It's so weird. I never imagined of having an older brother before, and it's like you came back from the dead. 

You honestly don't know how much this would feel towards Mom and Dad, and to me." 

"I'm so sorry that it took me so long to come back and I do have some things I can explain why I came back. " 

Kiara still heisants as that Kopa gently muzzles her in comfort, to let her know that he wouldn't run away again. 

The two lions started to get back to Pride Rock, as Kopa asked, "Kiara, who was that lion that attacked me earlier?"

"That was Kovu, Zira's son. He also is my mate too." 

Hearing who Kovu was, he said, "Wait, so that lioness was.." "I guess you finally figure it out who I am. 

That took you long enough, Kopa."  

The lions turn to see the Fiercest, as she runs towards him and asked, "Where have you been?"

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